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What antiracist psychology does and does not (do)
South African Journal of Psychology ( IF 1.236 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-04 , DOI: 10.1177/0081246320947361
Kopano Ratele 1, 2 , Nick Malherbe 1, 2

On 16 August 2012, South African security forces shot down 112 Black miners employed by Lonmin platinum mine in Marikana, North West Province. Thirty-four Black men were killed and 78 were injured. Most of the security forces were also Black men. The world came to see the massacre on television. Cyril Ramaphosa – who was, at the time, the deputy president of South Africa and on the board of Lonmin – characterised the miners’ demands for decent wages and improved working conditions as a dastardly, criminal act that had to be met with force (Davies, 2015; Essa, 2018; Farlam et al., 2015). For many, Ramaphosa’s apology 5 years later rang hollow. On 25 May 2020, a White police officer, Derek Chauvin, killed George Floyd by kneeling on his neck for over 8 min. Floyd was murdered in Minneapolis, in the United States, during an arrest for allegedly using a counterfeit bill (Deliso, 2020). Three other police officers stood by and watched. Floyd, who repeatedly begged for his life, and continually called out ‘I can’t breathe, I can’t breathe’, was publicly murdered while handcuffed, his face down on the tarmac. Bystanders filmed this, and the world watched the murder of this 46-year-old African-American man on their television and phone screens. There is no question that racism undergirded the police brutality that killed Floyd and it was for this reason that his murder ignited a wave of protests in the United States. The demands of protesters for racial justice reached unprecedented levels. Since Floyd’s death, we have witnessed many protests in solidarity with the Movement for Black Lives in many different countries (Hagemann & Jeffery, 2020). The public lynching of one Black man in the United States ignited a very different public response to the killing of 34 Black men in South Africa. Indeed, the outrage over Floyd’s murder was successfully and inspirationally harnessed into global demonstrations against racism, whereas the Marikana massacre, sadly, did not yield as great a response. Those committed to anti-racist struggle must learn from both of these cases, and others like them. Anti-racist struggle needs to be expansive and internationalist if it is to destroy the apparatuses through which racism worked to cheapen, and ultimately end the lives of George Floyd, the miners of Marikana, and so many others.



2012年8月16日,南非安全部队击落了西北省Marikana的Lonmin铂矿雇用的112名黑人矿工。三十四名黑人被杀,78人受伤。大多数安全部队也是黑人。全世界看到电视上发生了大屠杀。西里尔·拉马福萨(Cyril Ramaphosa)当时是南非的副总统,也是朗明(Lonmin)的董事会–将矿工对体面的工资和改善的工作条件的要求描述为一种卑鄙的犯罪行为,必须通过武力予以解决(戴维斯,2015; Essa,2018; Farlam等,2015)。对于许多人来说,五年后的拉玛福萨的道歉是空洞的。2020年5月25日,白人警官Derek Chauvin通过跪在脖子上8分钟以上杀死了George Floyd。弗洛伊德(Floyd)在美国明尼阿波利斯(Minneapolis)被谋杀,期间涉嫌使用伪造票据被捕(Deliso,2020)。其他三名警察站在旁边看着。弗洛伊德(Floyd)一再乞求一生,并不断喊“我无法呼吸,我无法呼吸”,他被戴上手铐时被公开谋杀,脸朝下在停机坪上。旁观者对此进行了拍摄,全世界都在他们的电视和电话屏幕上观看了这位46岁的非洲裔美国人的谋杀案。毫无疑问,种族主义削弱了杀死弗洛伊德的警察暴行,正是出于这个原因,他的谋杀案引发了美国的抗议浪潮。抗议者对种族正义的要求达到了前所未有的水平。自弗洛伊德(Floyd)逝世以来,我们目睹了许多抗议声援许多国家的黑人生命运动(Hagemann&Jeffery,2020)。在美国公开私刑一个黑人的事件,引发了公众对于南非杀害34名黑人的不同反应。确实,对弗洛伊德被谋杀的愤怒已成功地并鼓舞地用于了反对种族主义的全球示威活动中,可悲的是,马里卡纳大屠杀并未引起如此大的反响。那些致力于反种族主义斗争的人必须从这两个案例以及其他类似案例中学习。反种族主义斗争必须是广泛的和国际主义的,如果它是要摧毁种族主义用来廉价化的手段,并最终终结乔治·弗洛伊德,马里卡纳的矿工以及许多其他人的生命。对弗洛伊德谋杀案的愤怒被成功地鼓舞到了反对种族主义的全球示威活动中,可悲的是,马里卡纳大屠杀并没有引起如此大的反响。那些致力于反种族主义斗争的人必须从这两个案例以及其他类似案例中学习。反种族主义斗争必须是广泛的和国际主义的,如果它是要摧毁种族主义用来廉价化的手段,并最终终结乔治·弗洛伊德,马里卡纳的矿工以及许多其他人的生命。对弗洛伊德谋杀案的愤怒被成功地鼓舞到了反对种族主义的全球示威活动中,可悲的是,马里卡纳大屠杀并没有引起如此大的反响。那些致力于反种族主义斗争的人必须从这两个案例以及其他类似案例中学习。反种族主义斗争必须是广泛的和国际主义的,如果它是要摧毁种族主义用来廉价化的手段,并最终终结乔治·弗洛伊德,马里卡纳的矿工以及许多其他人的生命。