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Book Review: Womanish Black Girls: Women Resisting the Contradictions of Silence and Voice
Psychology of Women Quarterly ( IF 4.292 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-15 , DOI: 10.1177/0361684320923291
Danielle D. Dickens , Tida Tambedou 1

sary to help readers grow. But in the same way that teachers are facing an impossible challenge of fulfilling all students’ needs, Friedrichs leaves readers struggling to know how to move forward with all the information presented. All of the topics addressed are complex and filled with nuance. Although it is obvious the author had every intention of providing that nuance, doing so would require considerable expansion of the already lengthy book. Furthermore, as a book intended for a broad audience, the lengthy and dense text may be daunting for many. Friedrichs addresses an aspect of patriarchy in Good Sexual Citizenship that feminist researchers often struggle with: how to discuss gender, especially masculinity, in a way that does not entirely alienate those who may embrace it. She argues that masculinity, in and of itself, is not defined by traditional traits like violence and control. However, rather than opening a discussion of masculinity being defined individually or utilizing the various non-hegemonic definitions of masculinity (e.g., queer masculinity), Friedrichs discusses how men who may have been raised to think that “good men protect women, are providers, and are strong, brave and stoic” (p. 10) may feel threatened when they hear that people view masculinity as a threat. For feminist researchers, these beliefs sound alarm bells of benevolent sexism and emotional repression that still cage all genders. The author then goes on to discuss how masculinity can be “redefined” to value other traits that many men already possess, and gives examples that do not actually display traditionally “masculine” traits but rather “feminine” traits including: softness, inclusivity, and compassion. Rather than trying to redefine masculinity, especially in a book not exclusively focused on this topic, it might have been more fruitful for Friedrichs to focus on individuals defining masculinity for themselves and moving away from the pervasive emphasis on violence and control within hegemonic definitions of masculinity. Friedrichs does an excellent job of highlighting intersectionality (race, gender, class, and sexuality) within sexual citizenship. The author also focuses on culture and its impact on survivors, perpetrators, and bystanders and emphasizes intimate justice, which is not just about obtaining consent but ending unsatisfying, painful, and/or abusive sex. She connects historical context to current struggles and policies and often cites relevant and cross-disciplinary literature. At the end of each chapter, Friedrichs provides thought-provoking, constructive lists and exercises that could be aptly converted into class discussions at many developmental levels. This could have great utility as required reading for a university human sexuality course. Overall, Good Sexual Citizenship is encouraging to read and a well-suited contender for its lofty goals. The last content chapter entitled “Getting to Good Sexual Citizenship” (p. 240), which concludes with actionoriented steps for readers, is particularly useful; however, given the length and density of the book, those who may benefit most from this chapter will not make it to the end.



sary 帮助读者成长。但是,正如教师面临着满足所有学生需求的不可能的挑战一样,弗里德里希让读者难以知道如何处理所提供的所有信息。所涉及的所有主题都很复杂且充满细微差别。尽管很明显作者有意提供这种细微差别,但这样做需要对已经很长的书进行相当大的扩展。此外,作为一本面向广大读者的书,冗长而密集的文本可能会让许多人望而却步。弗里德里希斯在《良好的性公民》中谈到了女权主义研究人员经常遇到的父权制的一个方面:如何以一种不会完全疏远可能接受它的人的方式讨论性别,尤其是男性气质。她认为,男性气质,就其本身而言,不受暴力和控制等传统特征的定义。然而,弗里德里希斯并没有开始讨论单独定义的男性气质或利用各种非霸权的男性气质定义(例如酷儿男性气质),而是讨论了可能被认为“好男人保护女人,是提供者,并且坚强、勇敢和坚忍”(第 10 页)当听到人们将男子气概视为一种威胁时,他们可能会感到受到威胁。对于女权主义研究人员来说,这些信念敲响了仍然笼罩着所有性别的仁慈性别歧视和情感压抑的警钟。然后,作者继续讨论如何“重新定义”男性气质以重视许多男性已经拥有的其他特征,并举例说明实际上并未表现出传统的“男性”特征而是“女性”特征,包括:柔软、包容性和同情心。与其试图重新定义阳刚之气,尤其是在一本不只关注这一主题的书中,弗里德里希斯可能更富有成效地关注为自己定义阳刚之气的个人,并摆脱男性气概霸权定义中对暴力和控制的普遍强调. Friedrichs 在强调性公民中的交叉性(种族、性别、阶级和性取向)方面做得非常出色。作者还关注文化及其对幸存者、肇事者和旁观者的影响,并强调亲密正义,这不仅仅是获得同意,而是结束不令人满意、痛苦和/或虐待的性行为。她将历史背景与当前的斗争和政策联系起来,并经常引用相关的跨学科文献。在每章的末尾,Friedrichs 都提供了发人深省、建设性的清单和练习,这些清单和练习可以恰当地转换为许多发展水平的课堂讨论。这可以作为大学人类性课程的必读读物有很大的用处。总体而言,良好的性公民是令人鼓舞的阅读,并且是其崇高目标的合适竞争者。最后一章题为“获得良好的性公民身份”(第 240 页),以面向读者的行动步骤结束,特别有用;然而,考虑到这本书的篇幅和密度,可能从本章中受益最大的人不会读到最后。这可以作为大学人类性课程的必读读物有很大的用处。总体而言,良好的性公民是令人鼓舞的阅读,并且是其崇高目标的合适竞争者。最后一章题为“获得良好的性公民身份”(第 240 页),以面向读者的行动步骤结束,特别有用;然而,考虑到这本书的篇幅和密度,可能从本章中受益最大的人不会读到最后。这可以作为大学人类性课程的必读读物有很大的用处。总体而言,良好的性公民是令人鼓舞的阅读,并且是其崇高目标的合适竞争者。最后一章题为“获得良好的性公民身份”(第 240 页),以面向读者的行动步骤结束,特别有用;然而,考虑到这本书的篇幅和密度,可能从本章中受益最大的人不会读到最后。