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Book Review
Psychology of Women Quarterly ( IF 4.292 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-13 , DOI: 10.1177/0361684320916917
Rebecca S. Bigler 1

workers’ notes, police and prison records, newspaper reports, photographs, and oral histories. She often challenges these sources, creating a counter-narrative to documents that erase women’s voices. Her book bursts with stories of resistance: a single or married woman living love on her terms, a dance hall dévotée, a lesbian chorine intellectual, a minor arrested for wayward behavior, and many more. Northern capitalism dictated that Black women work as domestics and conform to a code of domesticity where a woman married, had children only by her husband, and had no extramarital affairs. Hartman examines Black women’s long subjection to sexual violence and to the assumption that they are inherently lustful. Wayward Minor Laws (1882–1925) sought to regulate behaviors that might lead to prostitution. Magistrates often committed such girls, even in their early teens, to reform schools where they suffered physical and psychological abuse. Tenement House laws encouraged close police surveillance and arrest of any Black woman deemed dangerous to society. How do scholars responsibly and engagingly re-center the experiences of the marginalized? Hartman calls her method “close narration . . . which places the voice of the narrator and character in inseparable relations [recreating] . . . the radical imagination and everyday anarchy of ordinary colored girls” through their eyes (pp. xiii–xiv). Based on voluminous, sometimes fragmentary evidence, Hartman speculatively and responsibly brings the narration as close to the presumed voices of actual women as possible. Hartman discerns women’s inner lives as they seek freedom and agency in their negotiation with the external world. She explores the psychological consequences of their rebelliousness—frustration, joy, depression, fulfilled sexual desire, as well as strategic triumph and failure. Their resistance is a validation of self-worth in all its complexity. This book is a significant contribution to feminist scholarship. Some readers may find Hartman’s style too emphatic and her interpretation of the women’s experience tending toward erasure yet again. Most will not, and scholars and students in a wide range of fields, as well as general readers interested in psychology, history, sociology African American studies, women’s studies, and gender studies, should find Hartman’s book an engaging opportunity to discover the internal and external lives of the marginalized in a unique and powerful way.



工人的笔记、警察和监狱记录、报纸报道、照片和口述历史。她经常挑战这些来源,对抹去女性声音的文件进行反驳。她的书中充斥着抵抗的故事:单身或已婚妇女按照她的条件过着爱情的生活,舞厅的奉献者,女同性恋知识分子,因任性行为而被捕的未成年人,等等。北方资本主义要求黑人妇女从事家政工作并遵守家庭生活准则,即妇女结婚、仅由丈夫生孩子、没有婚外情。哈特曼研究了黑人女性长期遭受性暴力以及她们天生好色的假设。任性的小法(1882-1925)试图规范可能导致卖淫的行为。治安官经常犯下这样的女孩,甚至在他们十几岁的时候,就在他们遭受身心虐待的学校进行改革。唐楼法律鼓励警方密切监视和逮捕任何被认为对社会有危险的黑人妇女。学者们如何负责任地、引人入胜地重新定位边缘化群体的经历?哈特曼称她的方法为“近距离叙述”。. . 这使叙述者的声音和角色处于密不可分的关系[重新创造]。. . 普通有色人种女孩的激进想象和日常无政府状态”通过她们的眼睛(第 xiii-xiv 页)。基于大量的、有时是零碎的证据,哈特曼以推测性和负责任的方式使叙述尽可能接近真实女性的假定声音。哈特曼洞悉女性在与外部世界谈判中寻求自由和能动性时的内心生活。她探索了他们叛逆的心理后果——沮丧、快乐、沮丧、满足的性欲,以及战略上的胜利和失败。他们的抵抗是对复杂性的自我价值的验证。这本书是对女权主义学术的重大贡献。一些读者可能会发现哈特曼的风格过于强调,她对女性经历的解释又一次趋于抹杀。大多数人不会,广泛领域的学者和学生,以及对心理学、历史、社会学、非裔美国人研究、妇女研究和性别研究感兴趣的普通读者,应该发现哈特曼的书是一个引人入胜的机会,可以发现内在和边缘化者的外在生活以一种独特而有力的方式。沮丧,满足的性欲,以及战略上的胜利和失败。他们的抵抗是对复杂性的自我价值的验证。这本书是对女权主义学术的重大贡献。一些读者可能会发现哈特曼的风格过于强调,她对女性经历的解释又一次趋于抹杀。大多数人不会,广泛领域的学者和学生,以及对心理学、历史、社会学非裔美国人研究、妇女研究和性别研究感兴趣的普通读者,应该发现哈特曼的书是一个引人入胜的机会,可以发现内在和边缘化者的外在生活以一种独特而有力的方式。沮丧,满足的性欲,以及战略上的胜利和失败。他们的抵抗是对复杂性的自我价值的验证。这本书是对女权主义学术的重大贡献。一些读者可能会发现哈特曼的风格过于强调,她对女性经历的解释又一次趋于抹杀。大多数人不会,广泛领域的学者和学生,以及对心理学、历史、社会学、非裔美国人研究、妇女研究和性别研究感兴趣的普通读者,应该发现哈特曼的书是一个引人入胜的机会,可以发现内在和边缘化者的外在生活以一种独特而有力的方式。这本书是对女权主义学术的重大贡献。一些读者可能会发现哈特曼的风格过于强调,她对女性经历的解释又一次趋于抹杀。大多数人不会,广泛领域的学者和学生,以及对心理学、历史、社会学、非裔美国人研究、妇女研究和性别研究感兴趣的普通读者,应该发现哈特曼的书是一个引人入胜的机会,可以发现内在和边缘化者的外在生活以一种独特而有力的方式。这本书是对女权主义学术的重大贡献。一些读者可能会发现哈特曼的风格过于强调,她对女性经历的解释又一次趋于抹杀。大多数人不会,广泛领域的学者和学生,以及对心理学、历史、社会学、非裔美国人研究、妇女研究和性别研究感兴趣的普通读者,应该发现哈特曼的书是一个引人入胜的机会,可以发现内在和边缘化者的外在生活以一种独特而有力的方式。