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Understanding Latinx Civic Engagement in a New Immigrant Gateway
Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences ( IF 1.033 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-26 , DOI: 10.1177/0739986319865904
J. Claire Schuch 1 , Ligia M. Vasquez-Huot 1 , Wendy Mateo-Pascual 2

The U.S. South has experienced rapid Latinx growth; yet, little is known about how Latinx residents are civically integrating into new communities. This article explores whether, where, and why Latinx in Charlotte-Mecklenburg, North Carolina, are civically engaged. Participants in a Latino Civic Engagement Project conducted 382 surveys with fellow Latinx residents in a county with Latinx growth rates over 1,800% from 1990 to 2014. Among respondents, 58.5% had volunteered in the past year and 47.0% were members of a faith-based or charitable organization. Household income, educational attainment, and English proficiency were most strongly correlated with civic engagement (r = .456, r = .453, and r = .464, respectively). The main reason for engagement was the betterment of the Latinx community. Main barriers were lack of information (37.1%), limited time (17.2%), disinterest (7.8%), and documentation status (4.3%). Findings can shape conversations about Latinx engagement in ways that include, but go beyond, voting and political representation.



美国南部的拉丁裔快速增长。然而,人们对拉丁裔居民如何通过民事方式融入新社区知之甚少。本文探讨了北卡罗来纳州夏洛特-梅克伦堡的Latinx是否积极参与,为何参与。从1990年到2014年,拉丁美洲人公民参与项目的参与者对一个拉丁美洲人口增长率超过1800%的县的拉丁居民进行了382次调查。在受访者中,去年有58.5%的志愿者是自愿的,而47.0%的人是基于信仰的或慈善组织。家庭收入,教育程度和英语水平与公民敬业度密切相关(r = .456,r = .453和r = .464)。参与的主要原因是拉丁社区的改善。主要障碍是缺乏信息(37.1%),限时(17.2%),无私(7.8%)和文件状态(4.3%)。调查结果可以通过包括但不限于投票和政治代表的方式塑造有关拉丁人参与的对话。