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Peripheral Factors Affecting the Evaluation of Artworks
Empirical Studies of the Arts ( IF 1.675 ) Pub Date : 2018-08-03 , DOI: 10.1177/0276237418790916
Stefano Mastandrea 1 , William D. Crano 2

The goal of the research was to determine whether artworks said to be created by famous artists were appreciated more than the same artworks attributed to nonfamous artists. Analysis indicated that the works attributed to famous artists were more appreciated than the identical works attributed to nonfamous artists: The works were liked more and judged more interesting and beautiful (all p values < .001). Participants (N = 309), all art nonexperts, also were willing to pay more to see the works if described as created by famous artists (p < .001); importantly, however, no differences were found in ratings of the works’ comprehensibility. This pattern of results suggests that judgmental variations were attributable to participants’ peripheral processing of factors not intrinsic to the work itself. Dual process models of attitudes, popular in social psychology, were invoked to provide a framework for understanding the findings.



这项研究的目的是确定被称为由著名艺术家创作的艺术品是否比非知名艺术家创作的艺术品受到更多的赞赏。分析表明,归因于著名艺术家的作品比归因于非知名艺术家的相同作品更受赞赏:这些作品受到更多的喜爱和判断,更有趣,更美丽(所有p值<0.001)。参加者(N = 309),所有艺术非专家,也愿意为看到被描述为由著名艺术家创作的作品付出更多的钱(p <.001);重要的是,然而,作品的可理解性等级没有发现差异。这种结果模式表明,判断上的差异可归因于参与者对并非工作本身固有因素的外围处理。态度的双重过程模型