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Cyberbullying against Rivals: Application of Key Theoretical Concepts Derived from Situational Action Theory
Deviant Behavior ( IF 1.716 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-07 , DOI: 10.1080/01639625.2020.1762452
Shamila Shadmanfaat 1 , Dustin A. Richardson 2 , Caitlyn N. Muniz 3 , John K. Cochran 2 , Saeed Kabiri 4 , C. Jordan Howell 5


We apply key theoretical concepts derived from, and test the predictive efficiency of, situational action theory on sports fans’ decision to engage in cyberbullying perpetration against rivals. To do so, we employ self-report data from a random sample of 508 students from an Iranian university. Ordinary least squares regression is used to analyze these data. In accordance with situational action theory’s propositions, both crime propensity and criminogenic exposure increase fans’ decision to engage in cyberbullying perpetration. Additionally, the interaction of crime propensity and criminogenic exposure increases fans’ engagement in cyberbullying perpetration, while the inclusion of the interaction term increases the model’s predictive power. In contrast to Wikström’s propositions, however, demographic variables (gender, age, education) remain significant even when situational action theory’s constructs are added into the model.




我们应用源自情境行动理论的关键理论概念,并测试其预测效率,以预测体育迷对竞争对手进行网络欺凌的决定。为此,我们使用了来自伊朗大学的 508 名学生的随机样本的自我报告数据。普通最小二乘回归用于分析这些数据。根据情境行动理论的主张,犯罪倾向和犯罪原暴露都会增加粉丝参与网络欺凌行为的决定。此外,犯罪倾向和犯罪暴露的相互作用增加了粉丝对网络欺凌行为的参与,同时包含交互项增加了模型的预测能力。然而,与 Wikström 的命题相反,人口统计学变量(性别、年龄、
