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Exploration of Prosecutor Experiences with Non-consensual Pornography
Deviant Behavior ( IF 1.716 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-22 , DOI: 10.1080/01639625.2020.1821410
Catherine D. Marcum 1 , George E. Higgins 2 , Tsung Martin Tsai 3 , Jeffrey Sedlacek 4


There are several challenges facing criminal justice stakeholders with the emergence of this form of criminality, aptly termed “nonconsensual pornography.” The current study will examine the management and experiences of a newer form of cybercrime, non consensual pornography, by an imperative category of criminal justice stakeholders: county and district prosecutor offices in the United States. With data collected from electronic surveys, this exploratory study will investigate the frequency these offices are experiencing nonconsensual pornography cases, and any significant factors that affect the sanctions administered by the court system. Results indicated prosecutor offices experienced revenge pornography crimes more so than any other form of nonconsensual pornography. In addition, the results from both quantitative models indicated more years of practice of law in a current state increased the likelihood of revenge pornography cases prosecuted receiving a sanction of incarceration and/or fine.




