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Planar embeddings of Minc's continuum and generalizations
Topology and its Applications ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.topol.2020.107519
Ana Anušić

We show that if $f\colon I\to I$ is piecewise monotone, post-critically finite, and locally eventually onto, then for every point $x\in X=\underleftarrow{\lim}(I,f)$ there exists a planar embedding of $X$ such that $x$ is accessible. In particular, every point $x$ in Minc's continuum $X_M$ from [Question 19 p. 335 in Continuum theory : proceedings of the special session in honor of Professor Sam B. Nadler, Jr.'s 60th birthday, Lecture notes in pure and applied mathematics; v. 230, New York: Marcel Dekker.] can be embedded accessibly. All constructed embeddings are thin, i.e. can be covered by an arbitrary small chain of open sets which are connected in the plane.


Minc 连续体的平面嵌入和概括

我们证明,如果 $f\colon I\to I$ 是分段单调的,后临界有限的,并且局部最终到,那么对于每个点 $x\in X=\underleftarrow{\lim}(I,f)$存在 $X$ 的平面嵌入,使得 $x$ 是可访问的。特别是,Minc 的连续统 $X_M$ 中的每个点 $x$ 来自 [问题 19 p。连续统理论 335 :纪念 Sam B. Nadler 教授 60 岁生日的特别会议记录,纯数学和应用数学讲义;v. 230, New York: Marcel Dekker.] 可以无障碍地嵌入。所有构造的嵌入都是薄的,即可以被平面中连接的任意小的开放集链覆盖。