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Expansive properties of induced dynamical systems
Fuzzy Sets and Systems ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-16 , DOI: 10.1016/j.fss.2020.11.023
Daniel Jardón , Iván Sánchez

For a given metric space X, we consider the set of all normal fuzzy sets on X, denoted by F(X). In this work, we study expanding, positively expansive and weakly positively expansive dynamical systems (X,f) and how they are reflected in the dynamical system (F(X),fˆ), where fˆ is the Zadeh's extension of f and F(X) has one of the following metrics: the levelwise metric, the endograph metric, the sendograph metric and the Skorokhod metric. We mainly show that if we consider the following conditions:


(X,f) is positively expansive (resp. expanding);


(K(X),f) is positively expansive (resp. expanding);


(F(X),fˆ) is positively expansive (resp. expanding);


(F0(X),fˆ) is positively expansive (resp. expanding).

Then (iv)⇒ (iii) ⇔ (ii) ⇒ (i). For expanding dynamical systems, we present a compact metric space and a locally compact metric space to show that (i) ⇏ (ii) and (iii) ⇏ (iv), respectively. For positively expansive dynamical systems, there is a compact metric space satisfying that (i) ⇏ (ii), but we don't know if (iii) ⇒ (iv).



对于给定的度量空间X,我们考虑集合就一切正常模糊集的X,表示由F(X). 在这项工作中,我们研究了膨胀、正膨胀和弱正膨胀动力系统(X,F) 以及它们如何反映在动力系统中 (F(X),F^), 在哪里 F^f的 Zadeh 扩展,并且F(X)具有以下度量之一:levelwise 度量、endograph 度量、sendograph 度量和 Skorokhod 度量。我们主要表明,如果我们考虑以下条件:


(X,F) 是积极扩张的(分别是扩张);


((X),F) 是积极扩张的(分别是扩张);


(F(X),F^) 是积极扩张的(分别是扩张);


(F0(X),F^) 是积极扩张的(分别是扩张)。

然后 (iv)⇒ (iii) ⇔ (ii) ⇒ (i)。为了扩展动力系统,我们提出了一个紧凑的度量空间和一个局部紧凑的度量空间来分别表明 (i) ⇏ (ii) 和 (iii) ⇏ (iv)。对于正膨胀动力系统,有一个紧度量空间满足 (i) ⇏ (ii),但我们不知道是否 (iii) ⇒ (iv)。
