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Recreational fisheries activities and management in national parks: A global perspective
Journal for Nature Conservation ( IF 2 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jnc.2020.125948
Emina Alic , Lindsay L. Trottier , William M. Twardek , Lindsay L. Bennett , Sarah Chisholm , Philippe Tremblay , Erik Tuononen , Joseph R. Bennett , Shannon D. Bower , Robert J. Lennox , Andy J. Danylchuk , Steven J. Cooke

Abstract National parks occur in most nations around the globe and tend to have a dual role of protecting natural heritage features while also providing opportunities for the public to interact with natural areas through recreation and leisure. National parks are afforded varying degrees of protection with recreational fishing allowed in some form within the boundaries of some parks. However, little is known about the extent to which recreational fishing occurs in national parks or the types of regulations that govern the activity. Vast differences in data availability exist throughout the world (partly related to language barriers and institutional capacity), limiting our understanding of the various uses of national parks. Acknowledging these limitations, we sought to consider the extent of recreational fisheries activities and their management within national parks around the globe. Using the World Database on Protected Areas, we selected the countries that had International Union for the Conservation of Nature type II areas. Within those countries, we investigated national parks that permitted recreational fishing in freshwater and/or marine systems and cataloged information on fisheries regulations, such as size limits and catch quotas. Overall, an equal number of 195 countries allowed some form of recreational fishing within their national parks as the number of countries which did not report any data on recreational fishing at all. Meanwhile, recreational fishing was forbidden in only a few countries with IUCN II national parks. For countries with information available, we found high adoption of recreational fisheries regulations, with the majority of countries requiring specialized park fishing licenses and that all fish be released (i.e., exclusively catch-and-release), though for many countries this information was not reported. The lack of information retrieved on recreational fishing in national parks may reflect search bias or lack of such regulations. Our study highlights the need for better sharing of approaches for the management of recreational fishing in national parks to improve the collective understanding of management practices associated with this activity in protected areas and to learn from successes and failures in different jurisdictions.



摘要 国家公园遍布全球大多数国家,往往具有保护自然遗产特征的双重作用,同时也为公众提供通过娱乐和休闲与自然区域互动的机会。国家公园得到不同程度的保护,在一些公园的边界内允许以某种形式进行休闲钓鱼。然而,人们对国家公园内休闲钓鱼的程度或管理活动的法规类型知之甚少。世界各地的数据可用性存在巨大差异(部分与语言障碍和机构能力有关),限制了我们对国家公园各种用途的理解。承认这些限制,我们试图考虑全球国家公园内休闲渔业活动的范围及其管理。使用世界保护区数据库,我们选择了拥有国际自然保护联盟 II 类地区的国家。在这些国家/地区,我们调查了允许在淡水和/或海洋系统中进行休闲捕鱼的国家公园,并编目了有关渔业法规的信息,例如规模限制和捕捞配额。总体而言,允许在其国家公园内进行某种形式的休闲捕鱼的 195 个国家与根本没有报告任何休闲捕鱼数据的国家数量相同。与此同时,只有少数拥有 IUCN II 国家公园的国家禁止休闲捕鱼。对于有可用信息的国家,我们发现休闲渔业法规的采用率很高,大多数国家都需要专门的公园捕鱼许可证,并且所有的鱼都要放生(即只捕捞和放生),但许多国家没有报告此信息。国家公园休闲钓鱼信息的缺乏可能反映了搜索偏见或缺乏此类规定。我们的研究强调需要更好地分享国家公园休闲钓鱼的管理方法,以提高对与保护区活动相关的管理实践的集体理解,并从不同司法管辖区的成功和失败中吸取教训。仅捕获和释放),但对于许多国家而言,没有报告此信息。国家公园休闲钓鱼信息的缺乏可能反映了搜索偏见或缺乏此类规定。我们的研究强调需要更好地分享国家公园休闲钓鱼的管理方法,以提高对与保护区活动相关的管理实践的集体理解,并从不同司法管辖区的成功和失败中吸取教训。仅捕获和释放),但对于许多国家而言,没有报告此信息。国家公园休闲钓鱼信息的缺乏可能反映了搜索偏见或缺乏此类规定。我们的研究强调需要更好地分享国家公园休闲钓鱼的管理方法,以提高对与保护区活动相关的管理实践的集体理解,并从不同司法管辖区的成功和失败中吸取教训。