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Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Gold Catalysis for Materials Science
Chemical Reviews ( IF 62.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-14 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.0c00824
Christoph M Hendrich 1 , Kohei Sekine 2, 3 , Takumi Koshikawa 4 , Ken Tanaka 4 , A Stephen K Hashmi 1, 5

Often stoichiometric amounts of gold find use in materials science; occasionally gold is even used as a support. This review discusses the contributions of gold catalysis, both homogeneous and heterogeneous, to the field of materials science. One topic is the synthesis of polymers, including nanowires and polyesters, the postcyclization of polymers, polymerization by cyclopropanation, and gold-catalyzed radical polymerization reactions. Other topics are dyes, phosphonium salts, and a wide range of extended conjugated π-systems, the latter ranging from acenes, pentalene derivatives, and different heterocyclic π-systems to fascinating applications in the synthesis of helical anellated aromatic molecules. The existing contributions clearly demonstrate the potential of gold catalysis for significant future impulses for the field of materials science.



通常化学计量的金可用于材料科学;有时黄金甚至被用作支撑。本综述讨论了同质和异质金催化对材料科学领域的贡献。一个主题是聚合物的合成,包括纳米线和聚酯、聚合物的后环化、环丙烷化聚合和金催化的自由基聚合反应。其他主题是染料、鏻盐和范围广泛的扩展共轭 π 系统,后者范围从并苯、戊烯衍生物和不同的杂环 π 系统到在螺旋芳烃分子合成中的迷人应用。现有的贡献清楚地证明了金催化对材料科学领域未来重大推动的潜力。