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Comparison of fundus fluorescein angiography, optical coherence tomography and optical coherence tomography angiography features of macular changes in Eales disease: a case series
Journal of Ophthalmic Inflammation and Infection Pub Date : 2020-12-14 , DOI: 10.1186/s12348-020-00220-4
Ketaki Rajurkar , Meenakshi Thakar , Priyadarshi Gupta , Anju Rastogi

To study the macular features in Eales disease patients observed with fundus fluorescein angiography (FA), optical coherence tomography (OCT) and optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA). A cross-sectional study was done on treatment naïve 31 eyes (23 patients) with Eales disease. Baseline parameters such as Best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA), slit-lamp bio microscopy (SLB), indirect ophthalmoscopy, FA, spectral-domain OCT {quantitative (central macular thickness [CMT]) and qualitative analysis on SD-OCT} and OCTA were performed. Any media opacity precluding the above investigations was excluded. Macular findings comprised of- epiretinal membrane, macular exudation, full thickness macular hole, sub internal limiting membrane bleed, cystoid macular oedema, neurosensory detachment and retinal thickening. Sixteen (51.6%) of our patients had macular changes as seen on all modalities together. SLB and indirect ophthalmoscopy missed macular findings in 50% patients and FA in 18.8% patients. OCT and OCTA diagnosed all macular findings. On comparison of mean BCVA in patients with macular involvement on FA, OCT and OCTA, compared to those without macular involvement, patients with macular involvement had lower BCVA (p 0.000, 0.01 and 0.001 respectively). Thus, FA missed many patients who had significant macular involvement and hence less vision. Eales disease though described in literature as classically being peripheral retina disease process, also has macular involvement. OCT and OCTA are useful guides to evaluation of macular involvement in these patients. The latter seems to be superior to FA in detecting macular abnormalities in this ailment. OCTA is non-invasive and shows deep capillary plexus changes which are not shown by any other modality.



为了研究眼底荧光血管造影(FA),光学相干断层扫描(OCT)和光学相干断层扫描血管造影(OCTA)观察到的Eales病患者的黄斑特征。一项横断面研究针对的是未经治疗的31只眼睛(23例)的Eales病。基线参数,例如最佳矫正视力(BCVA),裂隙灯生物显微镜(SLB),间接检眼镜,FA,光谱域OCT {定量(黄斑中心厚度[CMT])和SD-OCT的定性分析”和进行了OCTA。排除上述调查之外的任何介质不透明性。黄斑发现包括:-视网膜前膜,黄斑渗出液,黄斑裂孔全厚,内部限制膜下渗血,黄斑囊样水肿,神经感觉脱离和视网膜增厚。十六(51。从所有方式上来看,我们有6%的患者发生了黄斑改变。SLB和间接检眼镜在50%的患者中未检出黄斑,而在18.8%的患者中则未检出FA。OCT和OCTA诊断了所有黄斑部病变。通过比较FA,OCT和OCTA的黄斑部病变患者的平均BCVA,与未黄斑部病变的患者相比,黄斑部病变的BCVA较低(分别为0.000、0.01和0.001)。因此,FA错过了许多黄斑受累并因此导致视力下降的患者。Eales病虽然在文献中被描述为经典上是外周视网膜疾病的过程,但也有黄斑受累。OCT和OCTA是评估这些患者黄斑受累的有用指南。后者在检测这种疾病的黄斑异常方面似乎优于FA。