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Emergence of Walnut Husk Maggot Adults in Central Illinois and Potential for Control with Metarhizium brunneum
Journal of Insect Science ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-11 , DOI: 10.1093/jisesa/ieaa134
Robert W Behle 1

The walnut husk maggot, Rhagoletis sauvis (Loew) (Diptera: Tephritidae), causes damage to walnuts when maggots feed inside the husk. September applications of the entomopathogenic fungi Metarhizium brunneum F52 as microsclerotia laced granules to the soil in Illinois were evaluated for pest control based on adult emergence during the following summer. Over 3 yr in central Illinois, adult emergence began near 1 July, peaked before 23 July, and emergence extended as late as 23 August. One summer application of fungus (30 June) when pupae were present, did not reduce fly emergence. Of two September applications that targeted maggots as they move to the soil to pupate, one significantly reduced the number of flies emerging from treated plots when compared with untreated plots for one 7-d sample collected 29 July 2020. Emergence trap data show a defined peak adult emergence in July for central Illinois while September applications of granules containing Metarhizium brunneum (Petch) (Hypocreales: Clavicipitaceae) show shows potential to reduced subsequent fly emergence.



核桃壳feedRhogoletis sauvis(Loew)(双翅目:T科))会在when进入壳内时对核桃造成损害。昆虫病原真菌布鲁氏菌的九月应用根据次年夏天的成虫出现情况,对伊利诺伊州土壤中的微生物菌核附着在颗粒上的F52进行了害虫防治评估。在伊利诺伊州中部,超过3年的成年人出土开始于7月1日左右,在7月23日之前达到顶峰,并一直延伸到8月23日。存在summer的夏季应用真菌(6月30日)并不能减少苍蝇的出现。在2020年7月29日收集的7天样本中,与未处理的地块相比,在9月的两次applications虫移入土壤化脓的过程中,它们显着减少了从处理过的地块中飞出的苍蝇数量。伊利诺伊州中部在7月成年出苗,而9月份应用含有小白僵菌的颗粒剂 (抓取)(Hypocreales:虎杖科)显示出减少随后的苍蝇出现的潜力。