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Machine Learning Predictions of pH in the Glacial Aquifer System, Northern USA
Ground Water ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-11 , DOI: 10.1111/gwat.13063
Paul E Stackelberg 1 , Kenneth Belitz 2 , Craig J Brown 3 , Melinda L Erickson 4 , Sarah M Elliott 4 , Leon J Kauffman 5 , Katherine M Ransom 6 , James E Reddy 7

A boosted regression tree model was developed to predict pH conditions in three dimensions throughout the glacial aquifer system of the contiguous United States using pH measurements in samples from 18,386 wells and predictor variables that represent aspects of the hydrogeologic setting. Model results indicate that the carbonate content of soils and aquifer materials strongly controls pH and, when coupled with long flowpaths, results in the most alkaline conditions. Conversely, in areas where glacial sediments are thin and carbonate‐poor, pH conditions remain acidic. At depths typical of drinking‐water supplies, predicted pH >7.5—which is associated with arsenic mobilization—occurs more frequently than predicted pH <6—which is associated with water corrosivity and the mobilization of other trace elements. A novel aspect of this model was the inclusion of numerically based estimates of groundwater flow characteristics (age and flowpath length) as predictor variables. The sensitivity of pH predictions to these variables was consistent with hydrologic understanding of groundwater flow systems and the geochemical evolution of groundwater quality. The model was not developed to provide precise estimates of pH at any given location. Rather, it can be used to more generally identify areas where contaminants may be mobilized into groundwater and where corrosivity issues may be of concern to prioritize areas for future groundwater monitoring.



开发了增强的回归树模型,使用来自18386口井的样品中的pH值测量值和代表水文地质环境各方面的预测变量,来预测美国整个冰川含水层系统中三个维度的pH条件。模型结果表明,土壤和含水层材料中的碳酸盐含量强烈地控制了pH值,如果加上长的流路,则会导致最碱性的条件。相反,在冰川沉积物稀薄且碳酸盐含量低的地区,pH条件仍然呈酸性。在典型的饮用水供应深度处,与砷的迁移有关的预计pH值> 7.5(通常比发生在水中的腐蚀性和其他微量元素的迁移有关的pH值<6)更频繁。该模型的一个新颖方面是将地下水流动特征(年龄和流径长度)的基于数字的估计作为预测变量。pH值对这些变量的敏感性与对地下水流动系统的水文学认识以及地下水质量的地球化学演化是一致的。未开发该模型以提供任何给定位置的pH值的精确估计。相反,它可以用于更普遍地确定可能将污染物带入地下水的区域以及可能需要考虑腐蚀性的问题,以便优先考虑用于将来的地下水监测的区域。pH值对这些变量的敏感性与对地下水流动系统的水文学认识以及地下水质量的地球化学演化是一致的。未开发该模型以提供任何给定位置的pH值的精确估计。相反,它可以用于更普遍地确定可能将污染物带入地下水的区域以及可能需要考虑腐蚀性的问题,以便优先考虑用于将来的地下水监测的区域。pH值对这些变量的敏感性与对地下水流动系统的水文学认识以及地下水质量的地球化学演化是一致的。未开发该模型以提供任何给定位置的pH值的精确估计。相反,它可以用于更普遍地确定可能将污染物带入地下水的区域以及可能需要考虑腐蚀性的问题,以便优先考虑用于将来的地下水监测的区域。