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Prevalence of Campylobacter species in human, animal and food of animal origin and their antimicrobial susceptibility in Ethiopia: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-10 , DOI: 10.1186/s12941-020-00405-8
Tizazu Zenebe 1 , Niguse Zegeye 2 , Tadesse Eguale 3

Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli accounts for most cases of human gastrointestinal infections. The infection occurs through ingestion of contaminated food or water, and direct contact with feces of infected animal or human. Regardless of few local reports of Campylobacter and its antimicrobial susceptibility profile, there is no comprehensive data that show the burden of Campylobacter infection at national level in Ethiopia. This systemic review and meta-analysis aimed to determine the pooled prevalence of Campylobacter and its resistance patterns in Ethiopia from different sources. A comprehensive literature search of PubMed, Google scholar, Science direct and Google engine search was conducted for studies published from 2000 to July 30, 2020 on prevalence and antimicrobial susceptibility of Campylobacter in human, animal and food. The study was conducted according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) Checklist. Data from articles was extracted using a standardized data extraction format. The quality of the studies was assessed based on the Newcastle–Ottawa scale. The Q test and I2 test statistic were used to test heterogeneity across studies. The Pooled estimate of prevalence of Campylobacter species and its antimicrobial susceptibility profile was computed by a random effects model using STATA 16.0 software. Results were presented in forest plot, tables, funnel plot and figures with 95% confidence interval. A total of 291 articles were retrieved initially. The pooled prevalence of Campylobacter species from different sources was 10.2% (95% CI 3.79, 16.51). In this meta-analysis, the lowest prevalence was 6.0% whereas the highest prevalence was 72.7%. In the sub-group analysis, the pooled prevalence was similar in Amhara and Oromia region, higher in Gambella and lower in Sidama. Prevalence of Campylobacter was higher in animals (14.6%) compared to humans (9%). The pooled antimicrobial resistance rates of Campylobacter species to different antimicrobials ranged from 2.9–100%. Overall, higher rate of resistance was to cephalothin (67.2%), gentamicin (67.2%), and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (33.3%) in Campylobacter isolates from all sources. In isolates from human, resistance to cephalothin was 83% followed by amoxicillin (80%), amoxicillin-clavulnate (36%), trimethoprim-sulfamethpxazole (32%), clindamycin (31%) and ceftriaxone (28%). On the other hand, higher rate of resistance to penicillin (100%), cephalothin (60%), ciprofloxacin (71.2%), and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (39%) was recorded in isolates from animals. The present study highlights the burden of Campylobacter species in the country and higher rate of resistance among investigated isolates. Designing appropriate prevention strategies and further local in-depth studies are recommended to establish actual epidemiological burden of the bacteria in the country.



空肠弯曲杆菌和大肠杆菌是人类胃肠道感染的大多数病例。感染通过摄入受污染的食物或水,以及直接接触受感染动物或人类的粪便而发生。尽管很少有当地关于弯曲杆菌及其抗菌药敏感性的报告,但没有全面的数据显示埃塞俄比亚国家层面弯曲杆菌感染的负担。本系统评价和荟萃分析旨在确定埃塞俄比亚不同来源弯曲杆菌的汇总流行率及其耐药模式。对 2000 年至 2020 年 7 月 30 日发表的关于弯曲杆菌在人类、动物和食物中的流行和抗菌敏感性的研究,对 PubMed、Google 学者、Science direct 和 Google 引擎搜索进行了全面的文献搜索。该研究是根据系统评价和元分析的首选报告项目 (PRISMA) 检查表进行的。使用标准化的数据提取格式从文章中提取数据。根据纽卡斯尔-渥太华量表评估研究质量。Q 检验和 I2 检验统计量用于检验研究间的异质性。使用 STATA 16.0 软件通过随机效应模型计算弯曲杆菌属流行率及其抗菌药物敏感性的汇总估计值。结果以森林图、表格、漏斗图和具有 95% 置信区间的数字表示。最初共检索到 291 篇文章。来自不同来源的弯曲杆菌属的汇总流行率为 10.2% (95% CI 3.79, 16.51)。在这项荟萃分析中,最低患病率为 6。0% 而最高的流行率为 72.7%。在亚组分析中,Amhara 和 Oromia 地区的汇总患病率相似,Gambella 较高,Sidama 较低。与人类 (9%) 相比,动物中弯曲杆菌的患病率 (14.6%) 更高。弯曲杆菌属物种对不同抗菌剂的合并抗菌素耐药率介于 2.9-100% 之间。总体而言,在所有来源的弯曲杆菌分离物中,头孢噻吩 (67.2%)、庆大霉素 (67.2%) 和甲氧苄啶-磺胺甲恶唑 (33.3%) 的耐药率较高。在人类分离株中,对头孢氨苄的耐药率为 83%,其次是阿莫西林 (80%)、阿莫西林-克拉维酸盐 (36%)、甲氧苄氨嘧啶-磺胺甲恶唑 (32%)、克林霉素 (31%) 和头孢曲松 (28%)。另一方面,对青霉素(100%)、头孢菌素(60%)、环丙沙星(71.2%)、和甲氧苄啶-磺胺甲恶唑 (39%) 在动物的分离物中被记录。本研究强调了该国弯曲杆菌属物种的负担以及被调查分离株的较高耐药率。建议设计适当的预防策略和进一步的本地深入研究,以确定该国细菌的实际流行病学负担。