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Effect of centrifuged latex on moisture damage of hot-mix asphalt with brick aggregate
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Transport ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-04 , DOI: 10.1680/jtran.19.00095
Machavarapu Suresh 1 , Manish Pal 2

First-class bricks and waste (i.e. overburnt) bricks can be used as a substitute for stone aggregates in asphalt concrete. However, the high porosity of brick aggregate can result in moisture damage, which results in premature distresses in asphalt pavements. In this study, the effect of centrifuged latex (Cenex) on the moisture susceptibility of asphalt mixtures made with overburnt bricks and first-class bricks as aggregate was investigated. Moisture damage tests, such as tensile strength ratio, resilient modulus ratio, retained Marshall stability, boiling water and wheel-tracking tests, were conducted. It was found that the addition of Cenex to the virgin binder improved the mixture resistance against moisture damage for both aggregate mix types. Besides the improvement of moisture damage, the addition of latex also enhanced the rutting resistance and stability of a plain asphalt concrete mix. The work shows that Cenex enhances the performance of brick aggregate asphalt concrete against moisture damage and is an efficient substitution in pavement structures.


