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A plastic model for partially anchored timber frame walls subjected to shear and bending
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Structures and Buildings ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-04 , DOI: 10.1680/jstbu.19.00032
Michal Zajic 1

The design of multi-storey buildings utilising timber frame walls with partial anchorage often requires an iterative process to calculate the shear capacity of the walls. Partial anchorage, in this instance, refers to the situation where a wall is connected to the underlying structure by fasteners distributed along the base of the wall and where tension forces between the studs and the base are not resisted by tie-down connections. The presented offset force model, evaluating the shear capacity of a single wall element, is a variation of the lower-bound plastic model developed by Källsner and Girhammar. The method allows for a separation of the individual wall height from the height of application of the resultant horizontal force, thereby significantly simplifying the calculation process.



使用带有部分锚固的木框架墙的多层建筑的设计通常需要一个迭代过程来计算墙的抗剪能力。在这种情况下,部分锚固是指墙通过沿墙底部分布的紧固件连接到底层结构,并且螺栓和底部之间的张力不受系紧连接抵抗的情况。所呈现的偏置力模型用于评估单个壁单元的抗剪能力,是 Källsner 和 Girhammar 开发的下限塑性模型的变体。该方法允许将单个墙的高度与水平合力的应用高度分开,从而大大简化了计算过程。