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Design of lining concrete of multi-cell composite girder bridge with corrugated steel webs
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Structures and Buildings ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-15 , DOI: 10.1680/jstbu.20.00085
Duo Liu 1 , Xingbao Zhao 2 , Wenqin Deng 3 , Jiandong Zhang 4

To understand the influence of the layout and geometric parameters of the lining concrete on the mechanical properties of multi-cell single-box girder bridges with corrugated steel webs, the Fenghua River Bridge is taken as an example. This is a single-box three-cell continuous girder bridge with corrugated steel webs that is the largest of its kind in China. It was used to establish the finite-element model in this paper. The results of this study suggest that the lining concrete single-side arrangement has good economic and mechanical properties. The influence of the geometric parameters of the lining concrete on the mechanical properties of the structure was studied using the finite-element model, and the length and thickness range of the lining concrete of the single-box multi-cell composite girder bridge with corrugated steel webs are provided. The research results provide useful suggestions for the design of lining concrete in real bridge projects, and thereby make up the gap in the existing code.


