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Effects of changes in locations of fault zones on property values
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Municipal Engineer ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-12-16 , DOI: 10.1680/jmuen.19.00009
Nuri Erdem 1

Earthquake fault zoning and geological survey have attracted considerable attention in Turkey, particularly after the major earthquake on 17 August 1999. Detection of faults, processing the results on zoning plans and prohibition of construction on these fault zones were brought to the agenda in Turkey only after this major earthquake. This study investigated the plots on which Osmaniye Municipality made zoning changes in old and new zoning plans due to faults. Then, the effects of these changes on property values in the region were determined using zoning diameters, current property (buy–sell) values and the building coverage and floor area ratios. Accordingly, recommendations were made particularly for implementing agencies to find solutions for the problem.



地震断层分区和地质调查在土耳其引起了相当大的关注,特别是在 1999 年 8 月 17 日的大地震之后。断层检测、分区计划结果处理和禁止在这些断层带上施工是在土耳其被提上议事日程之后。这次大地震。本研究调查了奥斯曼尼耶市因断层而在新旧分区计划中进行分区更改的地块。然后,这些变化对该地区房产价值的影响是使用分区直径、当前房产(买卖)价值以及建筑覆盖率和容积率来确定的。因此,特别建议执行机构寻找问题的解决方案。