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Pollination from invasive dandelions is unlikely to reduce seed production in the native Japanese dandelion, Taraxacum japonicum
Weed Research ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-07 , DOI: 10.1111/wre.12462
Daisuke Kyogoku 1, 2

Reproductive interference occurs when closely related species interact reproductively, affecting the fitness of either or both species. Understanding the mechanisms by which reproductive interference reduces fitness can be crucial for effective management and the interpretation of the functional significance of traits. Invasive apomictic dandelions reproductively interfere with the seed production of Taraxacum japonicum, a sexual species native to part of the Japanese archipelago. The simultaneous deposition of both apomictic and conspecific pollen on the stigma of T. japonicum has been hypothesised to lead to interspecific fertilisation, producing empty seeds. However, experimental results appear to vary across studies. The invasive apomict is often assumed to be T. officinale, but other apomicts are morphologically similar to T. officinale, and only some may reproductively interfere with T. japonicum. Here, hand pollination experiments were performed using potted plants to control the identities of apomictic dandelions. No evidence was found for a negative effect of apomictic pollen on T. japonicum. Based on my experimental results and the review of relevant previous studies, I concluded that the simultaneous deposition of apomictic and conspecific pollen likely leads to a normal level of seed production in T. japonicum, suggesting that mechanisms other than interspecific pollen competition for fertilisation underlie reproductive interference by apomictic dandelions on T. japonicum.



当密切相关的物种进行生殖相互作用时,就会发生生殖干扰,从而影响任一物种或两个物种的适应性。了解生殖干扰降低适应性的机制对于有效管理和性状功能意义的解释至关重要。外来无融合生殖的蒲公英会生殖干扰日本蒲公英的种子生产,蒲公英是日本群岛部分地区的一种有性物种。据推测,无融合生殖的花粉和同种的花粉同时沉积在日本毛。的柱头上,会导致种间受精,产生空种子。但是,实验结果似乎因研究而异。通常认为侵入性无融合生殖是T.石斛,但其他无融合生殖体在形态上类似T.石斛,只有一些可以繁殖干扰T.血吸虫。在这里,使用盆栽植物进行人工授粉实验,以控制无融合生殖蒲公英的身份。没有证据表明无融合生殖花粉对日本血吸虫有负面影响。根据我的实验结果和相关相关研究的回顾,我得出结论,无融合生殖和同种花粉的同时沉积可能导致日本毛T的种子生产正常水平,这表明除种间花粉竞争外,其他受精机制都是生殖的基础。无融合生殖的蒲公英对刺参(T. japonicum)