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Adapting to climate change in small-scale fisheries: Insights from indigenous communities in the global north and south
Environmental Science & Policy ( IF 6 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.envsci.2020.11.009
Eranga K. Galappaththi , James D. Ford , Elena M. Bennett , Fikret Berkes

Abstract Climate change is having a significant influence on global fish production as well as on small-scale fishers’ livelihoods, nutrition, and food security. We compared two climate-sensitive small-scale fisheries (SSFs) – an Inuit community in the Canadian Arctic and the Coastal-Vedda in Sri Lanka – to broaden our understanding of how fisheries-dependent Indigenous communities respond and adapt to climate change impacts. We used three steps to achieve this comparative study. To do this, we developed a resilience-based conceptual framework to empirically assess adaptations in two SSF communities, based on a literature review. Using the proposed framework and collecting qualitative field data over three years (2016–2019) to investigate how different remote SSFs experience and respond to climate change, we assessed Inuit and Coastal-Vedda case studies. The framework provided the structure for data analysis and conceptual guidance for two empirical assessments and the comparative analysis. Finally, we carried out the comparative analysis across the case studies using content analysis, identifying adaptive strategies, sources of resilience, and characteristics of successful adaptation. Additionally, we used discourse analysis to develop sources of resilience and characteristics of successful adaptation. Two key adaptive strategies emerged in common across the two communities – diversification and adaptive co-management. Eight sources of resilience that underpin adaptive capacity: i) use of diverse kinds of knowledge; ii) practice of different ways of learning; iii) use of community-based institutions; iv) efforts to improve human agency; v) unique worldviews; vi) specific cultural attributes that keep up with adaptation; vii) effective social networks; and viii) a high level of flexibility. Definitive characteristics that need to promote successful community adaptation: continuous learning through knowledge co-production; capacity-building to improve human agency; a place-specific nature (rootedness); collective action and partnerships through community-based institutions; and flexibility.



摘要 气候变化正在对全球鱼类生产以及小规模渔民的生计、营养和粮食安全产生重大影响。我们比较了两个对气候敏感的小规模渔业 (SSF)——加拿大北极地区的因纽特社区和斯里兰卡的沿海韦达社区——以扩大我们对依赖渔业的土著社区如何应对和适应气候变化影响的理解。我们使用了三个步骤来完成这项比较研究。为此,我们开发了一个基于弹性的概念框架,以根据文献综述对两个 SSF 社区的适应情况进行实证评估。使用提议的框架并收集三年(2016-2019 年)的定性实地数据,以调查不同的偏远小规模海洋如何经历和应对气候变化,我们评估了因纽特人和沿海维达案例研究。该框架为两个实证评估和比较分析提供了数据分析结构和概念指导。最后,我们使用内容分析对案例研究进行了比较分析,确定了适应策略、弹性来源和成功适应的特征。此外,我们使用话语分析来开发适应力的来源和成功适应的特征。两个关键的适应性战略出现在两个社区中——多样化和适应性共同管理。支持适应能力的八个复原力来源:i) 使用各种知识;ii) 实践不同的学习方式;iii) 使用社区机构;iv) 努力改善人类能动性;v) 独特的世界观;vi) 跟上适应的特定文化属性;vii) 有效的社交网络;viii) 高度的灵活性。需要促进成功社区适应的明确特征:通过知识共同生产持续学习;能力建设以改善人类能动性;特定于地方的性质(根源性);通过基于社区的机构采取集体行动和建立伙伴关系;和灵活性。通过基于社区的机构采取集体行动和建立伙伴关系;和灵活性。通过基于社区的机构采取集体行动和建立伙伴关系;和灵活性。