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Agricultural entrepreneurship in Lower Brahmaputra Valley, Assam
Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research Pub Date : 2019-09-18 , DOI: 10.1186/s40497-019-0179-x
Krishnakhi Choudhury , Kanagaraj Easwaran

The present paper explores the role played by farmer entrepreneurs in making farming a profitable livelihood avenue in Lower Brahmaputra Valley in Assam. Agricultural entrepreneurship is often construed as a means for empowering the rural unemployed youth. In this context of Assam, the present paper attempts to understand the reasons for agriculture remaining unprofitable and the strategies used by the emerging agricultural entrepreneurs in promoting it as a profitable like a business venture. It is based on key informant interviews with 30 agricultural entrepreneurs in the Lower Brahmaputra Valley, Assam. A multi-stage sampling procedure was adopted to select districts, block, villages, and agripreneurs. The qualitative data was coded with the help of ATLAS ti software and analyzed with the help of SPSS. Results have shown that farmers in the Lower Brahmaputra Valley have more potential in the farming sector but self-motivation is highly required. Most of them were less educated and from the family background of farming. To promote the agripreneurship concept in Assam government, officials have to be free from corruption and partiality based on their political links. Middle man, low awareness, less knowledge about the crops, market facilities and most importantly demand and supply comes as a constraint in developing entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector. Results have also indicated that in lower Brahmaputra Valley, Assam farmers are facing lots of problems including human-wildlife conflict, irrigation, and improved variety of seeds. A common platform and unity amongst farmers regarding the prices of the product are very much important without which farmers fail to get the benefits. Societal recognition is more important in pursuing an occupation like agricultural entrepreneurship.



本文探讨了农民企业家在使阿萨姆邦下布拉马普特拉谷地的农业成为有利可图的谋生手段方面所发挥的作用。农业企业家精神通常被认为是赋予农村失业青年权力的一种手段。在阿萨姆邦的背景下,本文试图了解农业仍然无法盈利的原因,以及新兴的农业企业家在促进其像商业企业一样的盈利方面所采用的策略。它基于对阿萨姆邦下布拉马普特拉谷地30位农业企业家的关键信息访问者。采用了多阶段抽样程序来选择地区,街区,村庄和农业企业。定性数据借助ATLAS ti软件进行编码,并借助SPSS进行分析。结果表明,下布拉马普特拉河谷的农民在农业领域具有更大的潜力,但自我激励非常必要。他们中的大多数受教育程度较低,并且来自农业的家庭背景。为了在阿萨姆邦政府中推广农业经营理念,官员们必须基于其政治联系摆脱腐败和偏见。中间人,意识低下,对农作物,市场设施以及最重要的是需求和供应的了解不足,这是发展农业部门企业家精神的制约因素。结果还表明,在雅鲁藏布江下游谷地,阿萨姆邦农民面临许多问题,包括人与野生动物的冲突,灌溉和种子品种的改良。农民之间关于产品价格的共同平台和统一性非常重要,否则农民将无法获得收益。在追求农业企业家之类的职业中,社会认可更为重要。
