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The fate of total petroleum hydrocarbons during oily sludge composting: a critical review
Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio/Technology ( IF 14.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-07 , DOI: 10.1007/s11157-019-09509-w
Anas Aguelmous , Loubna El Fels , Salah Souabi , Mohamed Zamama , Mohamed Hafidi

In this review, studies on petroleum sludge composting have been investigated in the aim to understand the sludge biotransformation and highlighting the points that need more attention. Total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) are the major contaminants present in the petroleum sludge they ranged from 0.204 to 521.12 g/kg of dry matter, indicating a potential risk to the environment if not correctly managed. In this case, composting of petroleum sludge with different bulking agents (soil, wood, green wastes and manure) have been used as an environmentally friendly treatment. The TPH removals ranged between 47 and 95% during the composting process. This difference between the TPH removals is due to divergence in TPH concentration, chemical characterization, mixing ratio and applying or not of ameliorated treatment. The enhanced treatment like the bioaugmentation and the biostimulation increased significantly the TPH degradation kinetic which ranged between 0.8 and 2%/day of TPH degradation, while in the unimproved composts it was below 0.66%/day of TPH degradation. Moreover, lack information on physico-chemical parameters in totally or partially of some studies restrain the better understanding of the whole petroleum sludge composting. The humic substances can absorb some hydrocarbons during their formation process, it is required to assess the interactions between these compounds throughout the composting. It is also important to know about the finality of the product from the composting process. In all, more researches are needed on the interactions between TPH and other organic matters, removal mechanisms, the toxicity and the stability of the final products.



在这篇综述中,已经对石油污泥堆肥的研究进行了研究,目的是了解污泥的生物转化并突出需要更多注意的方面。总石油碳氢化合物(TPH)是石油污泥中存在的主要污染物,它们的干物质范围为0.204至521.12 g / kg,这表明如果管理不当可能对环境造成潜在风险。在这种情况下,将石油污泥与不同的填充剂(土壤,木材,绿色废料和肥料)堆肥已用作环保处理。在堆肥过程中,TPH去除率介于47%至95%之间。TPH去除量之间的差异是由于TPH浓度,化学特性,混合比例以及是否进行了改善处理而造成的。诸如生物强化和生物刺激之类的增强处理显着提高了TPH降解动力学,其动力学范围为TPH降解的0.8至2%/天,而在未经改良的堆肥中,TPH的降解低于0.66%/天。而且,在一些研究中,全部或部分缺乏有关理化参数的信息,这妨碍了对整个石油污泥堆肥的更好理解。腐殖质在形成过程中会吸收某些碳氢化合物,因此需要评估堆肥过程中这些化合物之间的相互作用。了解堆肥过程中产品的最终性也很重要。总之,需要对TPH和其他有机物之间的相互作用,去除机理,