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Beyond an Instrumental View of Violence: On Sartre’s Discussion of Violence in Notebooks for an Ethics
Human Studies ( IF 0.431 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-30 , DOI: 10.1007/s10746-019-09522-6
Ciprian Jeler

This paper argues that Jean-Paul Sartre’s discussion of violence from his Notebooks for an ethics constitutes an attempt to go beyond an instrumental view of violence. An “instrumental view of violence” essentially assumes that violent behavior is a form of pragmatic behavior whose distinguishing feature consists in the kind of means one employs for reaching one’s goals (violent behavior resorting to means that are harmful for others, whereas non-violent behavior does not). For his part, Sartre attempts to provide a stronger demarcation between violent and pragmatic behaviors. First, violent behavior is, for Sartre, not necessarily characterized by the use of particular means, but by a particular manner of using means, one that involves a certain “forcing” or “straining” of the means. Second, I argue that, according to Sartre, in contrast with pragmatic behavior, violent behavior involves a modification of one’s attitude towards one’s goals. Three such modified attitudes with respect to one’s goals are detailed here, namely the non-productive attitude (the assumption that the goal is not to be produced or that it is not to be produced by means that are under our control), the counter-productive attitude (the exacerbation of one’s proximate goal at the expense of more distant goals) and the anti-productive attitude (the active refusal of one’s previously set goal). Moreover, I show that Sartre’s view that violence involves the “straining” of one’s means is undergirded by his idea that violent behavior presupposes the modification of one’s attitude with respect to one’s goals.



本文认为,让-保罗·萨特 (Jean-Paul Sartre) 在其伦理笔记本中对暴力的讨论构成了超越工具性暴力观点的尝试。“工具暴力观”本质上假定暴力行为是一种务实行为,其显着特征在于人们为达到目标所采用的手段(暴力行为诉诸于对他人有害的手段,而非暴力行为才不是)。就萨特而言,他试图在暴力行为和务实行为之间提供更强有力的分界线。首先,对萨特来说,暴力行为的特征不一定是使用特定的手段,而是特定的使用手段的方式,包括对手段的某种“强迫”或“压制”。其次,我认为,根据萨特的说法,与务实行为相反,暴力行为涉及改变一个人对自己目标的态度。此处详述了与目标相关的三种修改后的态度,即非生产性态度(假设目标不会产生或不会通过我们控制的方式产生),反生产态度(以牺牲更远的目标为代价来加剧近期目标)和反生产态度(积极拒绝先前设定的目标)。此外,我表明萨特关于暴力涉及对个人手段的“限制”的观点得到了他的观点的支持,即暴力行为的前提是一个人对目标的态度的改变。此处详述了与目标相关的三种修改后的态度,即非生产性态度(假设目标不会产生或不会通过我们控制的方式产生),反生产态度(以牺牲更远的目标为代价来加剧近期目标)和反生产态度(积极拒绝先前设定的目标)。此外,我表明萨特关于暴力涉及对个人手段的“限制”的观点得到了他的观点的支持,即暴力行为的前提是一个人对目标的态度的改变。此处详述了与目标相关的三种修改后的态度,即非生产性态度(假设目标不会产生或不会通过我们控制的方式产生),反生产态度(以牺牲更远的目标为代价来加剧近期目标)和反生产态度(积极拒绝先前设定的目标)。此外,我表明萨特关于暴力涉及对个人手段的“限制”的观点得到了他的观点的支持,即暴力行为的前提是一个人对目标的态度的改变。即非生产态度(假设目标不会被生产或不会通过我们控制的方式生产),反生产态度(以牺牲最近的目标为代价来加剧一个人的近期目标更远的目标)和反生产力的态度(积极拒绝先前设定的目标)。此外,我表明萨特关于暴力涉及对个人手段的“限制”的观点得到了他的观点的支持,即暴力行为的前提是一个人对目标的态度的改变。即非生产态度(假设目标不会被生产或不会通过我们控制的方式生产),反生产态度(以牺牲最近的目标为代价来加剧一个人的近期目标更远的目标)和反生产力的态度(积极拒绝先前设定的目标)。此外,我表明萨特关于暴力涉及对个人手段的“限制”的观点得到了他的观点的支持,即暴力行为的前提是一个人对目标的态度的改变。