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Coping with crisis: Southeast Asian regionalism and the ideational constraints of reform
Asia Europe Journal ( IF 1.689 ) Pub Date : 2018-03-20 , DOI: 10.1007/s10308-018-0503-z
Jürgen Rüland

The key argument of this article is that during serious crises and external shocks, societal actors do not necessarily follow the predictions of theories on ideational change. This literature argues that crises and external shocks spur ideational change as expectations associated with the old order are no longer met. A study of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) shows that the Asian financial crisis of 1997/1998 stimulated a reform debate but that this discourse did not facilitate paradigmatic changes in the region’s repository of cooperation norms. What at first sight appeared to be an accelerating Europeanization of Southeast Asian regionalism proved to be a process involving the retention of major elements of the region’s “cognitive prior.” New ideas of regional integration have at best been emulated or localized, but have not led to a thorough transformation of Southeast Asian cooperation norms. This must be attributed to the entrenched nature of the region’s cognitive prior epitomized by the worldviews of political decision-makers who regard the external world as essentially hostile. This belief has been reproduced many times in the political experiences of the region’s foreign policy elites—not least by the Asian Financial Crisis—thus confirming the ideational orthodoxy that national sovereignty provides the best protection for nation states. A deepening of regional integration is faced with major ideational obstacles under these conditions.



本文的主要论点是,在严重危机和外部冲击期间,社会行为者不一定遵循观念变化理论的预测。这些文献认为,危机和外部冲击刺激了观念上的变化,因为与旧秩序相关的期望不再得到满足。对东南亚国家联盟 (ASEAN) 的一项研究表明,1997/1998 年的亚洲金融危机引发了一场改革辩论,但这种讨论并没有促进该地区合作规范库的范式变化。乍一看,东南亚地区主义正在加速欧洲化,但事实证明,这是一个涉及保留该地区“认知先验”主要元素的过程。区域一体化的新想法充其量只是被效仿或本地化,但并没有导致东南亚合作规范的彻底转变。这必须归因于该地区认知先验的根深蒂固的性质,这些先验是政治决策者的世界观的缩影,他们认为外部世界基本上是敌对的。这一信念在该地区外交政策精英的政治经历中多次再现——尤其是在亚洲金融危机中——从而证实了国家主权为民族国家提供最佳保护的观念正统。在这种情况下,区域一体化的深化面临着重大的观念障碍。这必须归因于该地区认知先验的根深蒂固的性质,这些先验是政治决策者的世界观的缩影,他们认为外部世界基本上是敌对的。这一信念在该地区外交政策精英的政治经历中多次再现——尤其是在亚洲金融危机中——从而证实了国家主权为民族国家提供最佳保护的观念正统。在这种情况下,区域一体化的深化面临着重大的观念障碍。这必须归因于该地区认知先验的根深蒂固的性质,这些先验是政治决策者的世界观的缩影,他们认为外部世界基本上是敌对的。这一信念在该地区外交政策精英的政治经历中多次再现——尤其是在亚洲金融危机中——从而证实了国家主权为民族国家提供最佳保护的观念正统。在这种情况下,区域一体化的深化面临着重大的观念障碍。这一信念在该地区外交政策精英的政治经历中多次再现——尤其是在亚洲金融危机中——从而证实了国家主权为民族国家提供最佳保护的观念正统。在这种情况下,区域一体化的深化面临着重大的观念障碍。这一信念在该地区外交政策精英的政治经历中多次再现——尤其是在亚洲金融危机中——从而证实了国家主权为民族国家提供最佳保护的观念正统。在这种情况下,区域一体化的深化面临着重大的观念障碍。