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Lots of movement, little progress: A review of reptile home range literature
bioRxiv - Scientific Communication and Education Pub Date : 2020-12-05 , DOI: 10.1101/2020.12.03.409292
Matt Crane , Inês Silva , Benjamin Michael Marshall , Colin Thomas Strine

Reptiles are the most species-rich vertebrate group with a broad diversity of life history traits. Biotelemetry is an essential methodology for reptiles as it compensates for several limitations when studying their natural history. We evaluated trends in reptile spatial ecology studies focusing upon quantifying home ranges for the past twenty years. We assessed 290 English-language reptile home range studies published from 2000-2019 via a structured literature review investigating publications' study location, taxonomic group, methodology, reporting, and analytical techniques. Substantial biases remain in both location and taxonomic groups in the literature, with nearly half of all studies (45%) originating from the USA. Snakes were most often studied, and crocodiles were least often studied, while testudines tended to have the greatest within study sample sizes. More than half of all studies lacked critical methodological details, limiting the number of studies for inclusion in future meta-analyses (55% of studies lacked information on individual tracking durations, and 51% lacked sufficient information on the number of times researchers recorded positions). Studies continue to rely on outdated methods to quantify space-use (including Minimum Convex Polygons and Kernel Density Estimators), often failing to report subtleties on decisions that have substantial impact on home range area estimates. Moving forward researchers can select a suite of appropriate analytical techniques tailored to their research question (dynamic Brownian Bridge Movement Models for within sample interpolation, and autocorrelated Kernel Density Estimators for beyond sample extrapolation). Only 1.4% of all evaluated studies linked to available and usable telemetry data, further hindering scientific consensus. We ultimately implore herpetologists to adopt transparent reporting practices and make liberal use of open data platforms to maximize progress in the field of reptile spatial ecology.



爬行动物是物种最丰富的脊椎动物,具有广泛的生活史特征。生物遥测技术是爬行动物必不可少的方法,因为它在研究自然史时可以弥补一些限制。我们评估了爬行动物空间生态学研究的趋势,重点研究了过去20年中的居所范围。我们通过结构化的文献综述,对出版物的研究地点,分类组,方法,报告和分析技术进行了调查,评估了2000年至2019年发表的290种英语爬行动物居所研究。文献中在位置和分类学组中都存在很大的偏见,所有研究中有近一半(45%)来自美国。蛇研究最多,鳄鱼研究最少,而研究对象往往在研究样本量内具有最大的优势。所有研究中超过一半缺乏关键的方法学细节,限制了将来纳入荟萃分析的研究数量(55%的研究缺乏有关个体追踪时间的信息,而51%的研究者缺乏记录研究人员位置记录的次数的信息) 。研究继续依靠过时的方法来量化空间使用情况(包括最小凸多边形和核密度估计器),通常无法报告对可能对住宅范围估计产生重大影响的决策的微妙之处。向前迈进的研究人员可以根据他们的研究问题选择一套合适的分析技术(用于样本插值的动态布朗桥运动模型,和自相关的内核密度估算器,以进行超出样本外推的工作)。在所有评估的研究中,只有1.4%与可用和可用的遥测数据相关,这进一步阻碍了科学共识。我们最终恳请爬虫学家采取透明的报告做法,并自由使用开放数据平台,以最大程度地提高爬行动物空间生态学领域的进步。