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Corrosion Resistance of Steel of the Frames of Boom Sprayers
Materials Science ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s11003-020-00446-6
R. L. Leshchak , А. V. Babii , R. А. Barna , А. М. Syrotyuk

We perform the comparative analysis of the corrosion resistance of St3ps steel in demineralized water and in saturated solutions of the Nurelle-D insecticide and UN-32 complex liquid fertilizer. It is shown that, in demineralized water, the general corrosion of the steel surface is predominant. In a solution of insecticide, parallel with general corrosion, we observe a partial realization of pitting corrosion. In a medium of mineral liquid fertilizer, we observe the passivation of the metal surface caused by phosphorus-containing corrosion inhibitors, which leads to the inhibition of the general corrosion. However, local violations of the passive state of the metal surface lead to the intense formation of corrosion pits, which is dangerous due to the possibility of their development accompanied by the initiation of cracklike defects in the structures.



我们对 St3ps 钢在软化水和 Nurelle-D 杀虫剂和 UN-32 复合液体肥料的饱和溶液中的耐腐蚀性进行了比较分析。结果表明,在软化水中,钢表面的全面腐蚀占主导地位。在杀虫剂溶液中,与全面腐蚀平行,我们观察到点腐蚀的部分实现。在矿物液体肥料的介质中,我们观察到含磷缓蚀剂引起的金属表面钝化,从而抑制了全面腐蚀。然而,局部破坏金属表面的钝化状态导致腐蚀坑的强烈形成,