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Colour-Doppler echocardiography flow field velocity reconstruction using a streamfunction–vorticity formulation
Journal of The Royal Society Interface ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-01 , DOI: 10.1098/rsif.2020.0741
Brett A Meyers 1 , Craig J Goergen 2 , Patrick Segers 3 , Pavlos P Vlachos 1, 2

We introduce a new method (Doppler Velocity Reconstruction or DoVeR), for reconstructing two-component velocity fields from colour Doppler scans. DoVeR employs the streamfunction–vorticity equation, which satisfies mass conservation while accurately approximating the flow rate of rotation. We validated DoVeR using artificial colour Doppler images generated from computational fluid dynamics models of left ventricle (LV) flow. We compare DoVeR against the conventional intraventricular vector flow mapping (iVFM1D) and reformulated iVFM (iVFM2D). LV model error analysis showed that DoVeR is more robust to noise and probe placement, with noise RMS errors (nRMSE) between 3.81% and 6.67%, while the iVFM methods delivered 4.16–24.17% for iVFM1D and 4.06–400.21% for iVFM2D. We test the DoVeR and iVFM methods using in vivo mouse LV ultrasound scans. DoVeR yielded more haemodynamically accurate reconstructions, suggesting that it can provide a more reliable approach for robust quantification of cardiac flow.



我们引入了一种新方法(多普勒速度重建或 DoVeR),用于从彩色多普勒扫描重建双分量速度场。DoVeR 采用流函数-涡量方程,它满足质量守恒,同时准确地逼近旋转的流速。我们使用从左心室 (LV) 血流的计算流体动力学模型生成的人工彩色多普勒图像验证了 DoVeR。我们将 DoVeR 与传统的脑室内矢量血流图 (iVFM1D) 和重新制定的 iVFM (iVFM2D) 进行比较。LV 模型误差分析表明,DoVeR 对噪声和探头放置更加稳健,噪声 RMS 误差 (nRMSE) 介于 3.81% 和 6.67% 之间,而 iVFM 方法为 iVFM1D 提供了 4.16-24.17%,为 iVFM2D 提供了 4.06-400.21%。我们使用体内小鼠 LV 超声扫描测试 DoVeR 和 iVFM 方法。