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Peer review declaration
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Pub Date : 2020-12-01 , DOI: 10.1088/1757-899x/971/1/011002

All papers published in this volume of IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering have been peer reviewed through processes administered by the Editors. Reviews were conducted by expert referees to the professional and scientific standards expected of a proceedings journal published by IOP Publishing.

Type of peer review: Double-blind

Conference submission management system: no, articles were sent directly to editor on conference e-mail icmtmt@gmail.com

Number of submissions received: 512

Number of submissions sent for review: 455

Number of submissions accepted: 416

Acceptance Rate (Number of Submissions Accepted / Number of Submissions Received X 100): 81,25

Average number of reviews per paper: 2

Total number of reviewers involved: 910

The main criteria for the review were:

1. Is the topic in the conference scope?

2. Is subject is worthy the publication?

3. Is information new?

4. Is paper written in acceptable English?

For each question, the reviewer used scale from 1 to 5 to answer. The reviewer also checked that article was formatted according the Template, that all references, figures and tables were cited in the text and provided other comments.

Contact person for queries: Dr. Stanislav Roshchupkin, icmtmte@gmail.com, Tel. +79787040395



在本卷 IOP 会议系列:材料科学与工程中发表的所有论文均已通过编辑管理的流程进行了同行评审。专家审稿人对 IOP Publishing 出版的诉讼期刊所期望的专业和科学标准进行了审查。


会议投稿管理系统:没有,文章直接通过会议电子邮件icmtmt@gmail.com 发送给编辑

收到的提交数量: 512

提交审核的提交数量: 455

接受的提交数量: 416

接受率(接受的提交数量/收到的提交数量 X 100): 81,25

每篇论文的平均评论数: 2



1. 议题是否在会议范围内?

2. 主题值得发表吗?

3. 信息是新的吗?

4. 论文是用可接受的英语写的吗?

对于每个问题,审稿人都使用从 1 到 5 的等级来回答。审稿人还检查了文章的格式是否符合模板,所有参考文献、数字和表格都在文本中引用并提供了其他评论。

查询联系人:Stanislav Roshchupkin 博士,icmtmte@gmail.com,电话。+79787040395
