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The features designed of mechatronic system of adaptive hopper’s feeder: case study for Scots pine seeds morphometry
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Pub Date : 2020-12-02 , DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/595/1/012054
P Tylek 1 , D N Demidov 2 , M N Lysych 2 , E P Petrishchev 2 , E A Maklakova 2

This article will be of interest to engineers involved in designing devices for improving the quality of forest seeds. From the point of view of automated processing, in order to obtain a quality seedling, the seed of the Scots pine must be conditioned, that is, properly graded, and have sufficient ability to germinate in the field, that is, properly sown. It is based on studies of the movement of a single pine seed in the mechanical system of an optoelectronic separator. The experiment was established by measuring the geometric dimensions of samples (n = 500) from a representative sample of a seedlot. The Pinus sylvestris L. seeds were collected in the Pavlovsky district of the Voronezh region in autumn 2019. Seed samples were measured using a microscope in three mutually perpendicular directions. Seed samples asymmetric shape and an adaptive hopper’s feeder were modeled using SolidWorks software. Our results point to an important feature in the design of loading bins-the need to approximate the complex shape of a single seed of Scots pine with an asymmetric ellipsoid. The need for discrete seed feeding with a frequency no faster than 10−3-10−2 s is established to improve both the separation process.



参与设计设备以提高森林种子质量的工程师将会对本文感兴趣。从自动化加工的角度来看,为了获得一株优质的幼苗,樟子松的种子必须经过调理,即适当分级,并具有足够的在田间发芽的能力,即适当播种。它基于对光电分离器机械系统中单个松树种子运动的研究。该实验是通过测量来自种子区的代表性样品的样品 (n = 500) 的几何尺寸来建立的。樟子松_2019 年秋季在沃罗涅日地区的巴甫洛夫斯基区采集了 L. 种子。使用显微镜在三个相互垂直的方向上测量了种子样品。使用 SolidWorks 软件对种子样品的不对称形状和自适应料斗进料器进行建模。我们的结果指出了装载箱设计中的一个重要特征——需要用不对称椭圆体来近似苏格兰松单颗种子的复杂形状。需要以不快于 10 -3 -10 -2 s的频率进行离散种子喂料,以改善这两种分离过程。
