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RealCause: Realistic Causal Inference Benchmarking
arXiv - CS - Machine Learning Pub Date : 2020-11-30 , DOI: arxiv-2011.15007
Brady Neal, Chin-Wei Huang, Sunand Raghupathi

There are many different causal effect estimators in causal inference. However, it is unclear how to choose between these estimators because there is no ground-truth for causal effects. A commonly used option is to simulate synthetic data, where the ground-truth is known. However, the best causal estimators on synthetic data are unlikely to be the best causal estimators on realistic data. An ideal benchmark for causal estimators would both (a) yield ground-truth values of the causal effects and (b) be representative of real data. Using flexible generative models, we provide a benchmark that both yields ground-truth and is realistic. Using this benchmark, we evaluate 66 different causal estimators.


