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The Impact of Climate Change on the High Water Levels of a Small River in Central Europe Based on 50-Year Measurements
Forests ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-28 , DOI: 10.3390/f11121269
Andrzej Boczoń , Anna Kowalska , Andrzej Stolarek

Climate change affects many elements of the natural environment and strongly influences the hydrology of rivers. In this study, we investigated trends in temperature, precipitation, and the water level characteristics in the small lowland river Lebiedzianka in northeastern Poland for the 50 year long period of observations (1970–2019). We recorded significant increase in air temperature and potential evapotranspiration, but the annual sum of precipitation did not change. We found significant downward trends for annual runoff. The results show a steady decrease in the number of days with high water levels. These changes caused by global warming will have a strong impact on forest habitats associated with high water levels and periodic inundations. In Europe, many of these precious habitats are protected under the Natura 2000 network as sites of high heritage value; nevertheless, their sustainability will be at risk due to the ongoing changes in their hydrological regime.



气候变化影响自然环境的许多要素,并强烈影响河流的水文学。在这项研究中,我们调查了波兰东北部的低地小河Lebiedzianka的温度,降水和水位特征趋势,进行了长达50年的观测(1970-2019年)。我们记录到气温和潜在蒸散量均显着增加,但年降水量的总和没有变化。我们发现年径流量呈明显下降趋势。结果表明,水位高的天数稳步减少。全球变暖造成的这些变化将对与高水位和周期性淹没相关的森林栖息地产生巨大影响。在欧洲,Natura 2000网络将其中许多珍贵的栖息地作为具有高遗产价值的遗址进行了保护;然而,由于水文状况的不断变化,其可持续性将受到威胁。