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High-power Mg batteries enabled by heterogeneous enolization redox chemistry and weakly coordinating electrolytes
Nature Energy ( IF 56.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-30 , DOI: 10.1038/s41560-020-00734-0
Hui Dong , Oscar Tutusaus , Yanliang Liang , Ye Zhang , Zachary Lebens-Higgins , Wanli Yang , Rana Mohtadi , Yan Yao

Magnesium batteries have long been pursued as potentially low-cost, high-energy and safe alternatives to Li-ion batteries. However, Mg2+ interacts strongly with electrolyte solutions and cathode materials, leading to sluggish ion dissociation and diffusion, and consequently low power output. Here we report a heterogeneous enolization chemistry involving carbonyl reduction (C=O↔C–O), which bypasses the dissociation and diffusion difficulties, enabling fast and reversible redox processes. This kinetically favoured cathode is coupled with a tailored, weakly coordinating boron cluster-based electrolyte that allows for dendrite-free Mg plating/stripping at a current density of 20 mA cm−2. The combination affords a Mg battery that delivers a specific power of up to 30.4 kW kg−1, nearly two orders of magnitude higher than that of state-of-the-art Mg batteries. The cathode and electrolyte chemistries elucidated here propel the development of magnesium batteries and would accelerate the adoption of this low-cost and safe battery technology.



长期以来,镁电池一直是锂离子电池的潜在低成本,高能量和安全替代品。然而,Mg 2+与电解质溶液和阴极材料强烈相互作用,导致缓慢的离子解离和扩散,从而导致低功率输出。在这里,我们报告涉及羰基还原(C =O↔C-O异构的烯醇化化学- ),它绕过解离和扩散的困难,可实现快速和可逆的氧化还原过程。此动力学上受好评的阴极与量身定制的,弱配位的基于硼团簇的电解质相结合,该电解质可在20 mA cm -2的电流密度下进行无枝晶的Mg电镀/剥离。这种结合提供了一种Mg电池,其比功率高达30.4 kW kg -1,比最先进的Mg电池高出近两个数量级。此处阐明的阴极和电解质化学物质推动了镁电池的发展,并将加速采用这种低成本,安全的电池技术。
