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Microfluidic Device for the Analysis of Angiogenic Sprouting under Bidirectional Biochemical Gradients
Micromachines ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-27 , DOI: 10.3390/mi11121049
Keigo Nishimura , Minghao Nie , Shigenori Miura , Shoji Takeuchi

In this paper, we developed a spheroid culture device that can trap a spheroid in the trapping site sandwiched by two extracellular matrix gels located at the upper and lower side of the spheroid. This device can form different biochemical gradients by applying target biochemicals separately in upper and lower channels, allowing us to study the angiogenic sprouting under various biochemical gradients in different directions. In the experiments, we confirmed the trapping of the spheroids and demonstrate the investigation on the direction and extent of angiogenic sprouts under unidirectional or bidirectional biochemical gradients. We believe our device can contribute to understanding the pathophysiological phenomena driven by chemical gradients, such as tissue development and tumor angiogenesis.


