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Symmetries of analytic curves
Differential Geometry and its Applications ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-27 , DOI: 10.1016/j.difgeo.2020.101687
Maximilian Hanusch

Analytic curves are classified w.r.t. their symmetry under a given regular and separately analytic Lie group action G×MM on an analytic manifold. We show that a non-constant analytic curve γ:DM is either free or exponential – i.e., up to analytic reparametrization of the form texp(tg)x. The vector gg is additionally proven to be unique up to (non-zero scalation and) addition of elements in the Lie algebra of the stabilizer Gγ{gG|gγ=γ} of the curve γ. We furthermore prove that in the free case, γ splits into countably many immersive subcurves – each of them discretely generated by G. This means that each such subcurve δ:D(ι,ι)M is build up countably many G-translates of a symmetry free building block δ|Δ, whereby three different cases can occur:

In the shift case, the building blocks are continuously distributed in δ, with Δ always compact. Then, δ is created by iterated shifts of δ|Δ by some gG and its inverse; whereby the class [e][g]G/Gγ is uniquely determined, as well as the same for each possible decomposition.

In the flip case, there exist countably many building blocks – each of them defined on a compact interval, and contained in the one and only decomposition that exists in this case. Here, δ is created by iterated flips at the boundary points of these building blocks, whereby the occurring transformations are generated by two non-trivial classes in G/Gγ.

In the mirror case, there exists exactly one symmetry (flipping) point δ(τ), as well as one translation class [e][g]G/Gγ. The one and only decomposition of δ is thus given by δ|(i,τ], δ|[τ,i), whereby δ|(i,τ] is flipped into δ|[τ,i) or vice versa (or both).

We finally extend the classification result to the analytic 1-submanifold case. Specifically, we show that an analytic 1-submanifold of M is either free or (exponential, i.e.) analytically diffeomorphic to U(1) or to an interval via the exponential map. The corresponding decomposition results in the free case are outlined in this paper, but proven in a separate one.



在给定的规则分析李群作用下,分析曲线根据其对称性进行分类 G×中号中号在分析流形上。我们证明了一个非恒定的分析曲线γd中号 是自由的还是指数的–即,直到形式的解析重新参数化 Ť经验值ŤGX。向量GG 还被证明是唯一的,直到(非零缩放和)稳定器的李代数中的元素加法 Gγ{GG|Gγ=γ}曲线的γ。我们进一步证明,在自由情况下,γ分成许多沉浸式子曲线,每个子曲线由G离散生成。这意味着每个这样的子曲线δdιι中号建立了许多无对称构件的G-平移δ|Δ,因此可能发生三种不同情况:


在换档的情况下,构建块以δ连续分布,而Δ始终紧凑。然后,δ是通过迭代移位创建δ|Δ 由一些 GG及其逆 从而上课[Ë][G]G/Gγ 唯一确定,每个可能的分解也相同。




在镜像情况下,仅存在一个对称(翻转)点 δτ以及一个翻译班 [Ë][G]G/Gγ。因此,δ的唯一分解为δ|一世τ]δ|[τ一世δ|一世τ] 被翻转成 δ|[τ一世 反之亦然(或两者都有)。

