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Analysis of the international impact of the Brazilian base “Qualis”-Education
Scientometrics ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-21 , DOI: 10.1007/s11192-020-03713-0
Fabio Gomes Rocha , Rosimeri Ferraz Sabino , Alejandro C. Frery

This work deals with the journals in the area of Education classified in the last available Brazilian Qualis database, period 2013–2016, seeking to analyze the alignment of the strata to international bibliometric criteria. The impact of a journal implies its internationalization, which is a standard adopted worldwide. This subject has been gaining prominence in higher education and research institutions, which began to consider the production of their researchers in indexed journals. Considering the national and international relevance and the fact that they aggregate publications from various fields, we used data from the Scopus and Web of Science (WoS) databases. The results show that belonging to the most relevant international bases is not among the Capes requirements for the classification of journals, and also that there is a relatively low number of journals with a real impact for scientific dissemination in the field of Education. The conclusions indicate that, in the current scenario, researchers in this field will continue to publish their work in journals with little or no impact, making the output of Brazilian research remain without prominence at an international level. To ensure that the Qualis stratification in the field of Education does not distance itself from the international context, it is necessary to adopt criteria that privilege factors such as adherence to WoS and Scopus, especially for the A1 and A2 journals, considered of highest quality.



这项工作涉及分类在上一个可用的巴西 Qualis 数据库(2013-2016 年期间)中的教育领域的期刊,旨在分析分层与国际文献计量标准的一致性。期刊的影响力意味着它的国际化,这是全球通行的标准。这个主题在高等教育和研究机构中越来越突出,它们开始考虑在索引期刊中培养他们的研究人员。考虑到国家和国际的相关性以及它们汇总了来自各个领域的出版物这一事实,我们使用了来自 Scopus 和科学网 (WoS) 数据库的数据。结果表明,属于最相关的国际基地不在Capes对期刊分类的要求,此外,对教育领域的科学传播具有真正影响的期刊数量相对较少。结论表明,在目前的情况下,该领域的研究人员将继续在影响很小或没有影响的期刊上发表他们的工作,这使得巴西的研究成果在国际上仍然没有突出地位。为确保教育领域的 Qualis 分层不脱离国际背景,有必要采用优先考虑遵守 WoS 和 Scopus 等因素的标准,尤其是 A1 和 A2 期刊,被认为是最高质量的。该领域的研究人员将继续在影响很小或没有影响的期刊上发表他们的工作,使得巴西的研究成果在国际上仍然没有突出地位。为确保教育领域的 Qualis 分层不脱离国际背景,有必要采用优先考虑遵守 WoS 和 Scopus 等因素的标准,尤其是 A1 和 A2 期刊,被认为是最高质量的。该领域的研究人员将继续在影响很小或没有影响的期刊上发表他们的工作,使得巴西的研究成果在国际上仍然没有突出地位。为确保教育领域的 Qualis 分层不脱离国际背景,有必要采用优先考虑遵守 WoS 和 Scopus 等因素的标准,尤其是 A1 和 A2 期刊,被认为是最高质量的。