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Interactive sonification to assist children with autism during motor therapeutic interventions
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing ( IF 3.006 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-27 , DOI: 10.1007/s00779-020-01479-z
Franceli L. Cibrian , Judith Ley-Flores , Joseph W. Newbold , Aneesha Singh , Nadia Bianchi-Berthouze , Monica Tentori

Interactive sonification is an effective tool used to guide individuals when practicing movements. Little research has shown the use of interactive sonification in supporting motor therapeutic interventions for children with autism who exhibit motor impairments. The goal of this research is to study if children with autism understand the use of interactive sonification during motor therapeutic interventions, its potential impact of interactive sonification in the development of motor skills in children with autism, and the feasibility of using it in specialized schools for children with autism. We conducted two deployment studies in Mexico using Go-with-the-Flow, a framework to sonify movements previously developed for chronic pain rehabilitation. In the first study, six children with autism were asked to perform the forward reach and lateral upper-limb exercises while listening to three different sound structures (i.e., one discrete and two continuous sounds). Results showed that children with autism exhibit awareness about the sonification of their movements and engage with the sonification. We then adapted the sonifications based on the results of the first study, for motor therapy of children with autism. In the next study, nine children with autism were asked to perform upper-limb lateral, cross-lateral, and push movements while listening to five different sound structures (i.e., three discrete and two continues) designed to sonify the movements. Results showed that discrete sound structures engage the children in the performance of upper-limb movements and increase their ability to perform the movements correctly. We finally propose design considerations that could guide the design of projects related to interactive sonification



交互式超音波是一种有效的工具,可用来指导个人练习运动。很少有研究表明使用互动声波技术支持患有运动障碍的自闭症儿童的运动治疗干预措施。这项研究的目的是研究自闭症儿童是否理解运动治疗干预过程中使用互动式声波疗法,互动式声波疗法对自闭症儿童运动技能发展的潜在影响以及在专门学校中使用它的可行性。自闭症儿童。我们在墨西哥使用Go-with-the-Flow进行了两项部署研究,Go-with-the-Flow是一个将以前为慢性疼痛康复开发的动作归类化的框架。在第一项研究中 六名自闭症儿童被要求在听三种不同的声音结构(即一种离散的声音和两种连续的声音)的同时进行前伸和上肢外侧运动。结果表明,自闭症儿童表现出对自己动作的声音化的意识,并参与了声音化。然后,我们根据第一个研究的结果对超音波进行了调整,以用于自闭症儿童的运动疗法。在下一个研究中,要求9名自闭症儿童进行上肢的横向,横向和推式运动,同时听取五种不同的声音结构(即,三个离散的声音和两个连续的声音),以对这些声音进行超声处理。结果表明,离散的声音结构使儿童参与上肢运动的表演,并增强了他们正确执行运动的能力。我们最终提出设计考虑因素,以指导与交互式声波处理相关的项目的设计
