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Painless FPGA programming: The alchitry AU kit can simplify projects that need a lot of input/output - [Hands on]
IEEE Spectrum ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-01 , DOI: 10.1109/mspec.2020.9271801
Stephen Cass

ONCE PRICED OUT OF the reach of enthusiasts, field-programmable gate arrays have become affordable in recent years, and have started popping up in all kinds of neat projects. By the very nature of their reconfigurable hardware, FPGAs can be used in many different ways, such as implementing novel CPUs. But from a maker's point of view, a huge part of the attraction lies in the circuits' capacity for handling lots of input/output signals.


无痛 FPGA 编程:alchitry AU 套件可以简化需要大量输入/输出的项目 - [动手实践]

现场可编程门阵列一旦定价超出了爱好者的承受能力,近年来变得可以负担得起,并开始出现在各种整洁的项目中。由于其可重新配置硬件的特性,FPGA 可以以多种不同的方式使用,例如实现新型 CPU。但从制造商的角度来看,吸引力的很大一部分在于电路处理大量输入/输出信号的能力。