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Optimization of the Nutrient Management of Silage Maize Cropping Systems in The Netherlands: A Review
Agronomy ( IF 3.949 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-26 , DOI: 10.3390/agronomy10121861
Gerard Velthof , Herman van Schooten , Wim van Dijk

Silage maize is, after grassland, the second largest crop in the Netherlands. The amounts of nutrients applied to silage maize have greatly decreased since the 1980s because of the implementation of a series of environmental policies. The aim of this review paper was to provide an overview of the nutrient management of and losses from silage maize cropping systems in the Netherlands during recent decades based on a literature review and a time series of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) uses, yields, surpluses, and losses. The total N input as slurry to silage maize on sandy soils decreased from up to 500 kg N/ha in 1985 to approximately 180 kg N/ha in recent years. This decrease was due to the implementation of legislation with maximum permissible P application rates in the 1980s and 1990s, maximum permissible N and P losses in the 1997–2005 period, and of maximum permissible N and P application rates from 2006 onwards. Implementation of low ammonia (NH3) emission application techniques of manure in the early 1990s greatly reduced NH3 emission. The relative decrease of N losses from silage maize on sandy soils in the 1995–2018 period was 70% for nitrate (NO3) leaching, 97% for NH3 emissions, 65% for nitrogen oxide (NO) emissions, and 32% for nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. The P surplus on the soil balance of silage maize decreased from approximately 150 kg P2O5/ha in the 1980s to less than 10 kg P2O5/ha in recent years, showing that P inputs and outputs are currently coming close to a zero balance in silage maize cropping systems. Although the emissions from silage maize cultivation have greatly decreased, further improvements in nutrient management are needed. The water quality standards have still not been met and there are new challenges related to the mitigation of emissions of ammonia and greenhouse gases.



青贮玉米是仅次于草原的荷兰第二大农作物。自1980年代以来,由于实施了一系列环境政策,用于青贮玉米的养分数量大大减少。本文的目的是根据文献回顾以及氮,磷的使用时间序列,概述荷兰近几十年来青贮玉米种植系统的养分管理和损失。收益,盈余和亏损。在砂质土壤上作为青贮玉米的浆液,氮的总输入量从1985年的500千克氮/公顷减少到近年来的约180千克氮/公顷。减少的原因是由于实施了立法,1980年代和1990年代的最大允许磷施用量,1997-2005年期间的最大允许氮和磷损失,从2006年起,允许的最大N和P施用量。实施低氨(NH3)1990年代初粪便的排放应用技术大大减少了NH 3的排放。在1995-2018年期间,青贮玉米在沙质土壤上的氮损失相对减少,其中硝酸盐(NO 3)淋洗为70 %,NH 3排放为97 %,氮氧化物(NO)排放为65%,氮氧化物(NO)排放为32%一氧化二氮(N 2 O)排放。青贮玉米土壤平衡上的过剩磷从1980年代的约150 kg P 2 O 5 / ha降至不足10 kg P 2 O 5/ ha近年来,表明青贮玉米种植系统中的P投入和产出目前接近零平衡。尽管青贮玉米种植的排放量已大大减少,但仍需进一步改善养分管理。尚未达到水质标准,与缓解氨气和温室气体的排放有关的新挑战。