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Multiple spawning run contingents and population consequences in migratory striped bass Morone saxatilis
PLOS ONE ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-25 , DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0242797
David H. Secor , Michael H. P. O’Brien , Benjamin I. Gahagan , Dewayne A. Fox , Amanda L. Higgs , Jessica E. Best

Multiple spawning run contingents within the same population can experience varying demographic fates that stabilize populations through the portfolio effect. Multiple spawning run contingents (aka run timing groups) are reported here for the first time for striped bass, an economically important coastal species, which is well known for plastic estuarine and shelf migration behaviors. Adult Hudson River Estuary striped bass (n = 66) were tagged and tracked with acoustic transmitters from two known spawning reaches separated by 90 km. Biotelemetry recaptures for two years demonstrated that each river reach was associated with separate contingents. Time series of individual spawning phenologies were examined via nonparametric dynamic time warping and revealed two dominant time series centroids, each associated with a separate spawning reach. The lower spawning reach contingent occurred earlier than the higher reach contingent in 2017 but not in 2018. The majority (89%) of returning adults in 2018 showed the same contingent behaviors exhibited in 2017. Spawning contingents may have been cued differently by temperatures, where warming lagged 1-week at the higher reach in comparison to the lower reach. The two contingents exhibited similar Atlantic shelf migration patterns with strong summer fidelity to Massachusetts Bay and winter migrations to the southern US Mid-Atlantic Bight. Still, in 2017, differing times of departure into nearby shelf waters likely caused the early lower reach contingent to experience substantially higher mortality than the later upper reach contingent. Anecdotal evidence suggests that higher fishing effort is exerted on the early-departing individuals as they first enter shelf fisheries. Thus, as in salmon, multiple spawning units can lead to differential demographic outcomes, potentially stabilizing overall population dynamics.


游移条纹鲈鱼Morone saxatilis中的多个产卵运行条件和种群后果

同一种群内的多个产卵运行特遣队可能会经历不同的人口命运,从而通过组合效应稳定种群。条纹鲈鱼是一种经济上重要的沿海物种,以塑性河口和陆架迁移行为而闻名,在这里首次报道了多个产卵奔跑分队(又名奔跑计时群)。对成年的哈德逊河河口条纹鲈鱼(n = 66)进行标记,并用声发射器从两个相距90 km的已知产卵河段进行追踪。两年的生物遥测记录表明,每条河段都与不同的特遣队相关。通过非参数动态时间扭曲检查了各个产卵物候的时间序列,并揭示了两个主要的时间序列质心,每个质心与一个单独的产卵范围相关。较低产卵范围的发生时间早于2017年较高物种的发生时间,但没有发生在2018年。2018年返回的成年成年人中,大多数(89%)表现出与2017年相同的或有行为。产卵条件可能对温度产生不同的暗示。与较低范围相比,较高范围的升温滞后了1周。这两个特遣队表现出相似的大西洋大陆架迁移模式,夏季到马萨诸塞湾的忠诚度很高,冬季到美国南部大西洋中部海岸线的迁移也很强。尽管如此,在2017年,进入附近架子水域的时间不同可能导致较早到达下游的特遣队的死亡率大大高于较晚到达上游的特遣队的死亡率。轶事证据表明,早退的人首次进入架子渔业时会加大捕捞力度。因此,与鲑鱼一样,多个产卵单位可导致不同的人口统计结果,从而可能稳定总体种群动态。
