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Development and content validity of an instrument for assessing the motivation for weight loss in adolescents with overweight and obesity
PLOS ONE ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-25 , DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0242680
David Franciole Oliveira Silva , Angélica Luiza de Sales Souza , Jéssica Bastos Pimentel , Thatyane Oliveira Souza , Eduarda Pontes dos Santos Araújo , Karine Cavalcanti Maurício Sena-Evangelista , Ricardo Fernando Arrais , Severina Carla Vieira Cunha Lima


To develop and validate the content of an instrument for assessing the motivation for weight loss in adolescents with overweight and obesity.


The development and validation of the instrument were conducted in five stages, for which two systematic reviews were conducted. The first one, for the identification of questionnaires assessing the motivation for weight loss, included six studies and contributed to the selection of the domains for the instrument. The second one, conducted to identify the motivations for weight loss in adolescents with overweight and/or obesity, included six studies and contributed to the selection of 17 motivations included in the initial version of the instrument. The motivations most commonly identified were: having better health, improving my appearance, improving my self-esteem and avoiding bullying. The content validity was confirmed by a committee of 12 experts from the areas of nutrition, endocrinology, psychology, and physical education. Based on these evaluations, the content validity index was calculated. Only the items with a content validity index >0.80 for practical relevance were held in the instrument.


Five of the 17 motivations included in the initial version of the instrument were excluded because they had content validity index <0.80 for practical relevance. Of the 12 items held in the instrument, five were revised by experts in order to standardize wording and make the language more appropriate for adolescents. Experts categorized the items into the health, personal satisfaction, appearance and social domains.


This is the first instrument assessing the motivation for weight loss in adolescents with overweight and obesity in Brazil. The content validity evaluation by the panel of experts provided more practical relevance, as well as contributed to a better presentation of the items. Further psychometric testing is needed to determine reliability and construct validity of the instrument.






仪器的开发和验证分五个阶段进行,对此进行了两次系统的审查。第一项用于识别评估减肥动机的问卷,其中包括六项研究,并为仪器选择领域做出了贡献。第二项研究旨在确定超重和/或肥胖青少年体重减轻的动机,包括六项研究,并帮助选择了仪器初始版本中包含的17种动机。最常见的动机是:拥有更好的健康,改善我的容貌,改善我的自尊心并避免遭受欺凌。营养,内分泌,心理学和体育领域的12位专家组成的委员会确认了内容的有效性。基于这些评估,计算出内容有效性指标。仪器中仅保留内容有效性指数> 0.80(与实际相关)的项目。




