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Searching for the Laws of Economics: Causality, Conservation and Ideology
American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology ( IF 5.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-25 , DOI: 10.1152/ajpcell.00324.2020
David C. Dawson 1, 2

This review is intended for scientists who may be curious about "laws" of economics. Herein, I search for laws governing value, including the value of money (inflation). I begin by searching out early scientists, e.g. Aristotle, Copernicus and Galileo, who contributed to theories of value; or who, like Isaac Newton and J. Willard Gibbs, inspired students of political economy and thereby profoundly influenced the evolution of economic thinking. From a period ranging from Aristotle to John Stuart Mill in the mid 19th century, I extract two candidates for "laws" of economics, one the well-known "Law of Supply and Demand (LSD)," and the other less well-known, "Fisher's Equation of Exchange" (FEE). LSD, in one form or another, has been central to the development of economic thought, but it has proven impossible to express LSD in any compact, deterministic form with causal implications. I propose, however, that, as suggested by Irving Fisher early in the 20th century and 100 years later by Nobelist, Thomas Schelling, that FEE is analogous to the First Law of Thermodynamics (FLT). I argue that both FEE and FLT can be viewed as "accounting identities," pertaining to energies in the case of FLT and money in the case of FEE. Both, however, suffer from a similar limitation; neither provides any information concerning causal relations among the relevant variables. I reflect upon impact of the absence of firm, fact-based, economic laws with causal implications on modern economic policy, allowing it to be dominated by ideologies damaging to American society.



本文针对的是那些可能对经济学的“法则”感到好奇的科学家。在这里,我寻找支配价值的法律,包括货币价值(通货膨胀)。首先,我搜索了对价值理论做出贡献的早期科学家,例如亚里士多德,哥白尼和伽利略。或像艾萨克·牛顿(Isaac Newton)和J.威拉德·吉布斯(J. Willard Gibbs)这样的人启发了政治经济学的学生,从而深刻影响了经济思想的演变。从期在19月中旬,从亚里士多德到约翰·斯图亚特·穆勒本世纪,我提取了两个经济学“法则”候选人,一个是著名的“供需法(LSD)”,另一个是不太知名的“费舍汇率方程”(FEE)。LSD以一种或另一种形式一直是经济思想发展的中心,但事实证明不可能以任何具有因果关系的紧凑,确定性形式来表达LSD。我建议,但是,作为由欧文·费雪在20年代初提出一个世纪后的100年后,由Nobelist的托马斯·谢林(Thomas Schelling)提出,FEE类似于热力学第一定律(FLT)。我认为FEE和FLT都可以被视为“会计身份”,在FLT情况下与能量有关,在FEE情况下与金钱有关。但是,两者都有类似的局限性。均未提供有关相关变量之间因果关系的任何信息。我反思了缺乏牢固,基于事实的经济法律对现代经济政策的因果关系所产生的影响,使之受到损害美国社会的意识形态的支配。