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On Various Moduli of Smoothness and K-Functionals
Ukrainian Mathematical Journal ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-25 , DOI: 10.1007/s11253-020-01848-0
R. M. Trigub

In this paper, exact rate of approximation of functions by linear means of Fourier series and Fourier integrals and corresponding $K$-functionals are expressed via special moduli of smoothness. . Introduction is given in $§1$. In $\S2$ functions on the line $\mathbb{R}$ are studied. A typical (well-known) result is as follows: for each $2\pi$-periodic function in $L_p$ on the period, for any $p\in[1,+\infty]$ ($L_\infty=C$) and $r\in\mathbb{N}$, there is a trigonometric polynomial $\tau_{r,n}(f)$ of degree not greater than $n$ such that \big\|f-\tau_{r,n}(f)\big\|_p\asymp\omega_r\Big(f;\frac{1}{n}\Big)_p\asymp \inf\limits_{g}\Big\{\|f-g\|_p+\frac{1}{n^r}\big\|g^{(r)}\big\|_p\Big\}, where the positive constants in these bilateral inequalities depend only on $r$. In $§3$ we deal with functions on $\mathbb{R}^d$ ($d\geq2$), while in $§4$ with functions on Banach spaces. The paper is partially of survey nature. The proofs are given only for Theorems 2.2, 3.9 and those in $§4$. Related open problems are formulated in $§5$. The list of references contains 52 items.


关于平滑度和 K 函数的各种模

在本文中,通过傅里叶级数和傅里叶积分的线性方法对函数的精确逼近率和相应的$K$-泛函通过特殊的平滑模来表示。. 介绍在 $§1$ 中给出。在 $\S2$ 行中研究了 $\mathbb{R}$ 上的函数。一个典型的(众所周知的)结果如下:对于周期上 $L_p$ 中的每个 $2\pi$-周期函数,对于任何 $p\in[1,+\infty]$ ($L_\infty=C $) 和 $r\in\mathbb{N}$,存在一个阶数不大于 $n$ 的三角多项式 $\tau_{r,n}(f)$ 使得 \big\|f-\tau_{ r,n}(f)\big\|_p\asymp\omega_r\Big(f;\frac{1}{n}\Big)_p\asymp\inf\limits_{g}\Big\{\|fg\ |_p+\frac{1}{n^r}\big\|g^{(r)}\big\|_p\Big\},其中这些双边不等式中的正常数仅取决于 $r$。在 $§3$ 中,我们处理 $\mathbb{R}^d$ ($d\geq2$) 上的函数,而在 $§4$ 中,带有 Banach 空间上的函数。该论文部分具有调查性质。仅给出定理 2.2、3.9 和 $§4$ 中的证明。相关的开放问题在 $§5$ 中表述。参考文献列表包含 52 项。