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Schedulability of blocking threads
IEEE Embedded Systems Letters ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-01 , DOI: 10.1109/les.2020.2972437
Manuel Coutinho , Carlos Almeida

Real-time systems usually consist of a set of interdependent periodic and sporadic threads. Scheduling theory has modeled thus far this interdependency with semaphores with priority protocols (inheritance/ceiling). However, RTOS services are far more comprehensive, including message queues, sleeps, counting semaphores, etc. This letter presents a novel scheduling theory based on response time analysis (RTA) to determine the schedulability of periodic or sporadic threads that can be blocked/suspended for a specified maximum amount of time under a fixed-priority pre-emptive scheduler.



实时系统通常由一组相互依赖的周期性和零星线程组成。到目前为止,调度理论已经对这种与具有优先级协议(继承/上限)的信号量的相互依赖性进行了建模。但是,RTOS 服务要全面得多,包括消息队列、睡眠、计数信号量等。 这封信提出了一种基于响应时间分析 (RTA) 的新颖调度理论,以确定可以阻塞/挂起的周期性或零星线程的可调度性在固定优先级抢占式调度程序下指定的最长时间。