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In the shadows of snow leopards and the Himalayas: density and habitat selection of blue sheep in Manang, Nepal
Ecology and Evolution ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-23 , DOI: 10.1002/ece3.6959
Marc Filla 1 , Rinzin Phunjok Lama 2 , Tashi Rapte Ghale 2 , Johannes Signer 3 , Tim Filla 4 , Raja Ram Aryal 5 , Marco Heurich 6, 7 , Matthias Waltert 1 , Niko Balkenhol 3 , Igor Khorozyan 1

There is a growing agreement that conservation needs to be proactive and pay increased attention to common species and to the threats they face. The blue sheep (Pseudois nayaur) plays a key ecological role in sensitive high‐altitude ecosystems of Central Asia and is among the main prey species for the globally vulnerable snow leopard (Panthera uncia). As the blue sheep has been increasingly exposed to human pressures, it is vital to estimate its population dynamics, protect the key populations, identify important habitats, and secure a balance between conservation and local livelihoods. We conducted a study in Manang, Annapurna Conservation Area (Nepal), to survey blue sheep on 60 transects in spring (127.9 km) and 61 transects in autumn (134.7 km) of 2019, estimate their minimum densities from total counts, compare these densities with previous estimates, and assess blue sheep habitat selection by the application of generalized additive models (GAMs). Total counts yielded minimum density estimates of 6.0–7.7 and 6.9–7.8 individuals/km2 in spring and autumn, respectively, which are relatively high compared to other areas. Elevation and, to a lesser extent, land cover indicated by the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) strongly affected habitat selection by blue sheep, whereas the effects of anthropogenic variables were insignificant. Animals were found mainly in habitats associated with grasslands and shrublands at elevations between 4,200 and 4,700 m. We show that the blue sheep population size in Manang has been largely maintained over the past three decades, indicating the success of the integrated conservation and development efforts in this area. Considering a strong dependence of snow leopards on blue sheep, these findings give hope for the long‐term conservation of this big cat in Manang. We suggest that long‐term population monitoring and a better understanding of blue sheep–livestock interactions are crucial to maintain healthy populations of blue sheep and, as a consequence, of snow leopards.



越来越多的人同意保护必须积极主动,并应更加重视常见物种及其面临的威胁。蓝羊(Pseudois nayaur)在中亚敏感的高海拔生态系统中起着关键的生态作用,并且是全球脆弱雪豹(Panthera uncia)的主要猎物之一。)。随着蓝羊越来越受到人类的压力,至关重要的是评估其种群动态,保护关键种群,确定重要的栖息地以及在保护与当地生计之间取得平衡。我们在安那普尔纳自然保护区(尼泊尔)的马南进行了一项研究,以调查2019年春季(127.9 km)的60个样带和秋季(134.7 km)的61个样带的蓝羊,从总数中估算它们的最小密度,并比较这些密度与先前的估计,并通过应用广义加性模型(GAM)评估蓝羊栖息地选择。总计数得出的最小密度估计值为6.0-7.7和6.9-7.8个/ km 2与其他地区相比,春季和秋季分别较高。归一化植被指数(NDVI)表示的海拔升高和较小程度的土地覆盖强烈影响了蓝羊的生境选择,而人为变量的影响则微不足道。在海拔4200至4700 m的草地和灌木丛中,主要发现了动物。我们表明,在过去的三十年中,马南的蓝羊种群规模基本保持不变,这表明该地区的综合保护和开发工作取得了成功。考虑到雪豹对蓝羊的强烈依赖性,这些发现为长期养护玛南大猫提供了希望。