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Conventional ICSI improves the euploid embryo rate in male reciprocal translocation carriers
Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-23 , DOI: 10.1007/s10815-020-02013-z
Caixia Lei 1 , Shuo Zhang 1 , Saijuan Zhu 1 , Junping Wu 1 , Min Xiao 1 , Jing Zhou 1 , Jing Fu 1 , Yijuan Sun 1 , Congjian Xu 1, 2 , Xiaoxi Sun 1, 2, 3


To evaluate whether the morphologically normal spermatozoa selected for intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) under microscope had a higher rate of normal/balanced chromosome contents than that in the whole unselected sperm from reciprocal translocation carriers.


Five hundred unselected spermatozoa from each of 40 male translocation carriers were performed with fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), to determine the rates of gametes with different meiotic contents of translocated chromosomes. Meanwhile, 3030 biopsied blastocysts from 239 male and 293 female reciprocal translocation carriers were detected with the microarray technique to analyze the rates of embryos with different translocated chromosome contents.


The D3 embryo rate, blastocyst formation rate, and euploid rate of blastocysts were remarkably higher in male carriers than those in female (p = 0.001, p = 0.004, and p = 0.035, respectively). In addition, the percentages of alternate products, which contained normal/balanced chromosome contents, in embryos from male carriers were markedly higher than those in sperm FISH (p = 2.48 × 10−5 and p = 2.88 × 10−10), while the percentages of adjacent-2 and 3:1 products were lower than those in sperm FISH (p = 0.003 and p = 5.28 × 10−44). Moreover, consistent results were obtained when comparing the rates of products in embryos between male and female carriers. Specifically, the incidence of alternate products in male carriers was higher than those in female carriers (p = 0.022). However, no similar differences were seen between sperm and embryos of female carriers.


ICSI facilitates the selection of spermatozoa with normal/balanced chromosome contents and improves the D3 embryo rate, blastocyst formation rate, and the euploid embryo rate in male carriers.


常规 ICSI 提高男性易位携带者的整倍体胚胎率




用荧光原位杂交 (FISH) 对来自 40 个雄性易位携带者中的每一个的 500 个未选择的精子进行了分析,以确定易位染色体具有不同减数分裂含量的配子的比率。同时,利用微阵列技术检测了来自239名男性和293名女性相互易位携带者的3030个活检囊胚,以分析不同易位染色体含量的胚胎率。


男性携带者的 D3 胚胎率、囊胚形成率和胚泡整倍体率显着高于女性(分别为p  = 0.001、p  = 0.004 和p  = 0.035)。此外,男性携带者胚胎中含有正常/平衡染色体含量的替代产物的百分比明显高于精子 FISH(p  = 2.48 × 10 -5p  = 2.88 × 10 -10),而相邻 2 和 3:1 产物的百分比低于精子 FISH(p  = 0.003 和p  = 5.28 × 10 -44)。此外,在比较男性和女性携带者之间胚胎中的产物率时,获得了一致的结果。具体而言,男性携带者中替代产品的发生率高于女性携带者(p  = 0.022)。然而,在女性携带者的精子和胚胎之间没有发现类似的差异。


ICSI 有助于选择染色体含量正常/平衡的精子,并提高男性携带者的 D3 胚胎率、囊胚形成率和整倍体胚胎率。
