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Molecular Detection of Human Adenovirus and Rotavirus in Feces of White-Eared Opossums
EcoHealth ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-24 , DOI: 10.1007/s10393-020-01497-6
Paulo Q Menezes 1 , Thassiane T Silva 1 , Fernanda B Simas 1 , Rodrigo K Brauner 1 , Paulo Bandarra 1 , Meriane Demoliner 2 , Ana K A Eisen 2 , Paula Rodrigues 2 , Fernando R Spilki 2 , Geferson Fischer 3 , Silvia de O Hübner 3

The white-eared opossums (Didelphis albiventris) is the largest Brazilian marsupial and a great example of animal synanthropy. Considering the high potential as a carrier of viruses originating from environmental contamination, the presence of Human adenovirus (AdV) and rotavirus was investigated in the feces of rescued white-eared opossums, which were in the process of rehabilitation. The feces of 49 animals were initially investigated by immunochromatography, with three samples positive for AdV and one sample positive for rotavirus. When submitted to PCR and nested PCR, the samples of six animals were positive for AdV and three animals were positive for group A rotavirus. Two positive samples in the immunochromatographic assay were not confirmed by PCR. After sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of AdV samples, all were identified within the genus Mastadenovirus, one being HAdV-C, four HAdV-E, and one being similar to a Mastadenovirus found in primates. This is the first report of molecular confirmation of human adenovirus and rotavirus in white-eared opossums. These data could be important of anticipation some emerging diseases and their effects on ecosystems health.



白耳负鼠 ( Didelphis albiventris ) 是巴西最大的有袋动物,也是动物合人类的一个很好的例子。考虑到作为来自环境污染的病毒载体的可能性很大,我们调查了正在康复过程中的获救白耳负鼠的粪便中是否存在人腺病毒(AdV) 和轮状病毒。最初通过免疫层析法对 49 只动物的粪便进行了调查,其中 3 个样本 AdV 呈阳性,1 个样本呈轮状病毒阳性。当提交给 PCR 并嵌套时PCR,六只动物的样本对 AdV 呈阳性,三只动物对 A 组轮状病毒呈阳性。免疫层析试验中的两个阳性样品未通过 PCR 确认。在对 AdV 样本进行测序和系统发育分析后,所有样本都在乳腺腺病毒属内被鉴定出来,一种是HAdV -C,四种是HAdV -E,一种类似于在灵长类动物中发现的乳腺腺病毒。这是对白耳负鼠中人类腺病毒和轮状病毒进行分子确认的第一份报告。这些数据对于预测一些新出现的疾病及其对生态系统健康的影响可能很重要。
