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IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Pub Date : 2020-11-21 , DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/593/1/011001

The Southeast Asian region covering Sundaland, Wallacea, Philippines, and Indo-Burma is unusually high in biodiversity and endemicity. Areas with pristine environments, as well as cities, hold an enormous potential of undiscovered species. Valuable resources that have yet to be explored from the area provide an ecosystem function and services to support human welfare. One such resource is the peatlands found in nearly all countries across Southeast Asia.

Global climate change that can cause the extinction of biological resources is accelerated by human impact, including excessive exploitation of biological resources, an introduction of foreign species, and habitat conversions. An ecosystem sensitive to conversion is peatlands. With their expertise, scientists can develop research projects to explore biological resources available through biotechnology in maintaining biodiversity while utilizing it for human welfare.

SEACoBB provides a forum for scientists interested in biodiversity and biotechnology to discuss their findings for maintaining sustainable environments. It is also a forum to create or strengthen the networks among scientists. We accommodate four symposia covering 1) Peatland: recent status and future management, 2) Biotechnology: the use of bioresources and securing biodiversity, 3) Ecosystem health in support of sustainable ecosystem services, and 4) Discovery of biodiversity and their evolution in a degraded ecosystem. Speakers and participants from several countries attended the SEACoBB. A total of 144 articles have been presented of both oral dan poster presentations, and 37 of them are published in this conference proceedings.

We would like to thanks all the parties that give great support to the conference organized by the Biology Faculty of Universitas Jenderal Soedirman and the Peatland Restoration Agency, Republic of Indonesia, all keynote speakers, invited speakers, participants, also steering and organizing committee.

The Editors:

Dr. Romanus Edy Prabowo

Dr. Jocelyn T Zarate

Prof. Dr. Mitsuru Osaki

Dr. Haris Gunawan

Prof. Dr. Imam Widhiono

Dr. Ardhini Rin Maharning

Dr. Erwin Riyanto Ardli

Dr. Agus Nuryanto





SEACoBB 为对生物多样性和生物技术感兴趣的科学家提供了一个论坛,以讨论他们在维护可持续环境方面的发现。它也是一个在科学家之间建立或加强网络的论坛。我们举办了四场研讨会,涵盖 1) 泥炭地:近期状况和未来管理,2) 生物技术:生物资源的使用和保护生物多样性,3) 支持可持续生态系统服务的生态系统健康,以及 4) 生物多样性的发现及其在退化中的演变生态系统。来自多个国家的演讲者和参与者出席了 SEACoBB。口头和海报展示共发表论文144篇,其中37篇发表在本次会议论文集中。

我们要感谢所有对由 Jenderal Soedirman 大学生物学院和印度尼西亚共和国泥炭地恢复机构组织的会议给予大力支持的各方,所有主题演讲者,受邀演讲者,参与者,以及指导和组织委员会。


Romanus Edy Prabowo 博士

Jocelyn T Zarate 博士



Imam Widhiono 博士教授

Ardhini Rin Maharning 博士

Erwin Riyanto Ardli 博士

Agus Nuryanto 博士
