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A Bounded Multi-Vacation Queue Model for Multi-stage Sleep Control 5G Base station
arXiv - CS - Performance Pub Date : 2020-11-19 , DOI: arxiv-2011.09951
Jie Chen

Modelling and control of energy consumption is an important problem in telecommunication systems.To model such systems, this paper publishes a bounded multi-vacation queue model. The energy consumption predicted by the model shows an average error rate of 0.0177 and the delay predicted by the model shows an average error rate of 0.0655 over 99 test instances.Subsequently, an optimization algorithm is proposed to minimize the energy consumption while not violate the delay bound. Furthermore, given current state of art 5G base station system configuration, numerical results shows that with the increase of traffic load, energy saving rate becomes less.



能源消耗的建模和控制是电信系统中的一个重要问题。为了对此类系统进行建模,本文提出了一个有界多休假队列模型。模型预测的能耗显示平均错误率为 0.0177,模型预测的延迟在 99 个测试实例中显示平均错误率为 0.0655。 随后,提出优化算法以在不违反延迟的情况下最小化能耗边界。此外,鉴于目前最先进的 5G 基站系统配置,数值结果表明,随着流量负载的增加,节能率变得越来越低。