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Effect of ovarian stimulation by different gonadotrophin treatments on in vivo and in vitro reproductive efficiency of rabbit does under high ambient temperature
Tropical Animal Health and Production ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-20 , DOI: 10.1007/s11250-020-02429-w
I. T. El-Ratel , A. E. Abdel-Khalek , Sara F. Fouda

Non-lactating multiparous NZW rabbit does (n = 227) were used in two experiments. In the 1st experiment (n = 87), does were i.m. injected with 0.1-ml saline/doe in day 0 (control, n = 29). Other does were injected with 25 IU equine chorionic gonadotrophin (eCG), followed by 0.2-ml gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH, n = 29) or 75 IU human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG, n = 29) per doe 48 h later. After 60 h of day 0, does in all groups were artificially inseminated (AI). In the 2nd experiment, does (n = 140) were mated (AI) after synchronization of estrus/ovulation with 25 IU eCG, and 75 IU hCG 48 h later. On day 5 post-AI, does were injected with saline (control), 75 IU hCG, 0.2 ml GnRH, or 25 IU eCG per doe. Injection of eCG with GnRH or hCG pre-AI significantly increased corpora lutea number, ovulation rate, total number/doe and recovery rate of embryos, viable embryos, hatched blastocysts, in vivo reproductive parameters, and concentration of progesterone and progesterone/estradiol 17-β ratio. Injection of eCG on day 5 post-AI significantly improved large and total follicle number, and in vivo reproductive efficiency. The corpora lutea number and impantation sites were significantly increased in the hCG and eCG groups. Fetal loss rate significantly increased only in the GnRH group. Under high ambient temperature, administration of eCG with hCG or GnRH injection pre-AI could be synchronized estrus/ovulation for improving in vivo and in vitro embryo production. In addition, pregnancy outcomes could be enhanced in rabbit does induced to ovulation by a single eCG or hCG dose on day 5 post-AI.



 在两个实验中使用了非泌乳的多胎NZW家兔(n = 227)。在第一个实验中(n  = 87),在第0天将确实注射0.1 ml生理盐水/ doe(对照,n  = 29)。其他确实在 48小时后每头母猪注射25 IU马绒毛膜促性腺激素(eCG),然后注射0.2 ml促性腺激素释放激素(GnRH,n  = 29)或75 IU人绒毛膜促性腺激素(hCG,n = 29)。在第0天60小时后,对所有组的人进行人工授精(AI)。在实验2,做(ñ 在与25 IU eCG和75 IU hCG同步发情/排卵后48小时,将(= 140)交配(AI)。AI后第5天,向每只母猪注射生理盐水(对照组),75 IU hCG,0.2 ml GnRH或25 IU eCG。用GnRH或hCG pre-AI注射eCG可以显着提高黄体数,排卵率,胚胎总数/母猪和回收率,活胚,孵化的胚泡,体内生殖参数以及孕酮和孕酮/雌二醇的浓度17- β比率。AI后第5天注射eCG可显着改善大卵泡总数和总卵泡数目,并提高体内繁殖效率。在hCG和eCG组中,黄体数目和重要部位明显增加。仅在GnRH组中,胎儿丢失率显着增加。在高环境温度下 将hCG或GnRH注射前AI给予eCG可同步发情/排卵,以改善体内和体外胚胎的产生。此外,在AI后第5天,通过单次eCG或hCG剂量诱导排卵的兔子确实可以提高妊娠结局。
